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Here, we present an immunocytochemical and electron microscopical protocol that enables qualitative and quantitative characterization of the interaction of the primary spiral ganglion neurons and other cell types within ultrathin polymer films.


The spiral ganglion (SG) cells prepared from the inner ear of postnatal rats represent one of the key cell culture models in hearing research. Numerous projects in hearing research aim at improving nerve-electrode-interactions by inhibiting the formation of connective tissue following cochlear implant insertion, i.e., by coating the carrier material with ultrathin polymer films for selective cell attachment. Here, we established scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and immunocytochemical (ICC) staining to enable the characterization of the interactions of fibroblasts, glial cells, and spiral ganglion neurons (SGN) growing on polymers, i.e., poly(N,N-dimethylacrylamide) (PDMAA), poly(2-ethyloxazoline) (PEtOx), and poly([2-methacryloyloxy)ethyl]trimethylammoniumchloride) (PMTA). For this purpose the primary cells dissociated from the SG of postnatal rats were cultivated for 48 h on the polymer films. ICC was used to demonstrate the preferences of cell adhesion on the polymer coatings. It could be shown that glial cells and SGN mainly adhered on PMTA monolayers forming long processes, but not on PDMAA and PEtOx films. Also, SEM imaging showed that only PMTA enabled SG neuron survival and neurite outgrowth. In conclusion, the ability of the SGN to survive and to form neurites was associated with glial cell adhesion on different coatings.


Numerous projects in hearing research aim at improving nerve-electrode-interactions by inhibiting the formation of connective tissue following cochlear implant insertion by either application of drugs like dexamethasone1,2,3,4, coating the carrier material with ultrathin polymer films5,6,7,8, or nano structuring of the carrier materials for selective cell attachment9,


Neonatal Spraque-Dawley rats (P3-5, n = 18 per experiment, n = 5 independent experiments) were used for SG dissection in accordance with the institutional guidelines for animal welfare of Hannover Medical School following the standards described by the German "Law on protecting animals" (Tierschutzgesetz).

1. Dissection of the Cochlear SG from Neonatal Rats 13,14

  1. Sacrifice the postnatal rats, which should not be older than a maximum of 5 days, decapitating the heads quickly using a scissor with pointed tips.
  2. Fix a head with a curved standard pattern for....


The aim of establishing the ICC protocol was the differentiation of the cell types accompanying the adhesion and neurite outgrowth of the SG neurons. As shown in Figure 1A-H, the method detected not only the expression of the neurofilaments in SGN, but also vimentin in both fibroblasts and glial cells on the polymer films (Figure 1A, C, E, G). Double staining with anti-vimentin a.......


This study represents for the first time the differential interactions of SGN, glial cells, and fibroblasts on varying polymer films. Staining of the specific intermediary filaments and the neurotrophic growth factor receptor enabled not only a strong distinction between the cell types and their morphology following adhesion, but also the quantitative determination of the interesting cell types. Hereby, as described in Hadler et al.7, the growth of fibroblasts was clearly scaled down on t.......


The authors have nothing to disclose.


The support of S. Zwittian and G. Preiss, Institute of Cell Biology, Hannover Medical School for was greatly appreciated. This study was funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (SFB 599, subproject D2).



NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
Sprague-Dawley ratsCharles River, Sulzfeld, GermanyInbreeding strain, ordered and provided by the Laboratory Animal Sciences, Medical School Hannover, Germany
Laboratory equipment
Transmission light microscope Leica MZ-6Leica, GermanyPreparation of the cochlear structures
Inverse microscope: Keyence BZ 9000 BiorevoKeyence International, Mechelen, BelgiumFluorescence microscopy
SEM 505Philips, NLScanning electron microscopy
CPD 030Balzers Union, Balzers FLCritical point drying
Polaron E5400Watford Hertfordshire, EnglandHigh resolution sputter coater
Laboratory tools
Standard Pattern Forceps, curved/12 cmFine Science Tools, Heidelberg, Germany11001-12Dissection of the spiral ganglia from postnatal rats
Adson-Brown Forceps, Shark TeethFine Science Tools, Heidelberg, Germany11627-12Dissection of the spiral ganglia from postnatal rats
Forceps Dumont #3c, straight/11 cmFine Science Tools, Heidelberg, Germany11231-20Dissection of the spiral ganglia from postnatal rats
Forceps Dumont Medical #5, straightFine Science Tools, Heidelberg, Germany11255-20Dissection of the spiral ganglia from postnatal rats
Scissor, pointed-pointed, straight/11 cmWirtschaftsgenossenschaft deutscher Tierärzte (WDT) eG, Garbsen, Germany27040Dissection of the spiral ganglia from postnatal rats
Plastic and glass material
48well-microtiter plateNunc/thermo Scientific150787
Coverslips Menzel-Gläser 24 x 60 mmVWR International GmbH, Darmstadt, Germany631-0973
Buffers, enzymes, proteins, chemicals, cell culture supplements
AcetoneMallinckrodt Baker R.V., Griesheim, Germany9002-02
ArgonLinde Gas, Pullach, GermanyArgon 5.0
Bovine serum albumineSigma-Aldrich, St.Louis, USAA3294Lyophilized powder, initial fraction by heat shock, fraction V.
DNase IRoche, Basel, Switzerland11284932001
Fetal bovine serum (FBS)Biochrom, Berlin, GermanyS0415
Glucose 40 % concentrateOur lab is receiving glucose by the hospital pharmacy.
GlutardialdehydePolysciences, Warrington, PA, USA01909-10
Hank’s balanced salt solution (HBSS)Invitrogen/Fisher Scientific, Waltham, MA, USA14170-070Ca2+/ Mg2+-free
HEPESInvitrogen/Fisher Scientific, Waltham, MA, USA15630-0561 M
Insulin from bovine pancreasSigma-Aldrich, St.Louis, USAI0516
Leit-CPlano, Wetzlar, GermanyG3300fluid carbon in xylol
N2-SupplementInvitrogen/Fisher Scientific, Waltham, MA, USA17502-048100x
Natural Mouse LamininInvitrogen/Fisher Scientific, Waltham, MA, USA23017-015
Panserin 401 neuro mediumPAN Biotech, Aidenbach, GermanyP04-710401Neuro medium for cultivation neuronal cells
Phosphate buffered saline (PBS) tabletsInvitrogen/Fisher Scientific, Waltham, MA, USA18912-014Ca2+/ Mg2+-free
Penicillin G Sodium saltSigma-Aldrich, St.Louis, USAPENNA-10MU
Poly-DL-Ornithin hydrobromidSigma-Aldrich, St.Louis, USAP8638
Prolong anti-fade Gold with DAPIInvitrogen/Fisher Scientific, Waltham, MA, USAP36941DAPI containing mounting gel
Sodium cacodylateSigma-Aldrich, St.Louis, USAC4945-10G
Triton-X 100Sigma-Aldrich, St.Louis, USAT8787
Trypan BlueSigma-Aldrich, St.Louis, USAT 8154
TrypsinBiochrom, Berlin, GermanyL21231:250 in PBS, Ca2+/ Mg2+-free
Primary antibodies
Neurofilament 200kD, mouse, monoclonalNovocastra, Newcastle upon Tyne, UKNCL-NF200
p75, rabbit, polyclonalAbcam, Cambridge, UK38335
Vimentin clone V9, mouse, monoclonalDako GmbH, Jena, GermanyM0725
Vimentin, chicken, polyclonalAbcam, Cambridge, UKab24525
Secondary antibodies
Goat anti-chicken, conjugated with Texas RedSanta Cruz Biotech., Dallas, TX, USAsc2994
Goat anti-mouse, conjugated with New dylight 488Jackson-Immunoresearch Laboratories Inc., West Grove, PA, USA115-485-008
Goat anti-rabbit, conjugated with Alexa Fluor 594Jackson-Immunoresearch Laboratories Inc., West Grove, PA, USA111-515-144


  1. Huang, C. Q., Tykocinski, M., Stathopoulos, D., Cowan, R. Effects of steroids and lubricants on electrical impedance and tissue response following cochlear implantation. Cochlear Implants Int. 8 (3), 123-147 (2007).
  2. Furze, A., Kralick, D., Vakharia, A., Jaben, K., Graves, R., Adil, E., Eshraghi, A. A., Balkany, T. J., Van de Water, T. R.

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Cell adhesionpoly NN dimethylacrylamide PDMApoly 2 ethyloxazoline PEtOxpoly 2 methacryloyloxy ethyl trimethylammoniumchloride PMTAscanning electron microscopy SEMspiral ganglion neurons SGNimmunocytochemistry

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