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  • Protocol
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Here, we present a protocol for gene delivery into plant cell mitochondria. This new method utilizes cell penetrating peptides with mitochondria targeting properties and a mitochondria-optimized aadA:gfp reporter cassette. It is suitable for transient and stable, organelle-specific gene transfer and expression in somatic and germ cells.


We report a peptide based in vivo plant cell mitochondrial genetic engineering method. Peptide vectors were created by selecting mitochondrial protein sorting signal sequences that contain similar physical and chemical properties as a cell-penetrating peptide (CPP). In the presence of exogenous double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) the peptide vectors called mitochondrial targeting peptides (mTPs) form peptide-nucleic acid nanoparticles. The nanoparticles when incubated with plant cells first cross the cellular membrane and then cross the outer and inner mitochondrial membranes to deliver exogenous DNA into the mitochondria of plant cells. The exogenous DNA integrates into the mitochondrial genome and the transfected plant cells can be cultured into plantlets. A linear double stranded gene construct was delivered into protoplasts and microspores of AC Ultima spring triticale (X. Triticosecale Wittmack) plants using the mTP peptide vector system to study in vivo mitochondrial transfection of plant cells and transient mitochondrial gene expression.


Mitochondria are organelles that supply energy for metabolic activities in eukaryotic cells. In plants, the mitochondria are involved not only with energy conversion during aerobic respiration and carbon metabolism in the Krebs cycle, but also to chloroplast function and stress responses1. The ability to manipulate the mitochondrial genome will facilitate the study of plant primary and secondary metabolism. In addition, plant mitochondrial genetic engineering has many important applications in agricultural crop breeding and hybrid maintenance due to the mitochondria being linked to cytoplasmic male sterility2.


1. Preparation of culture media and cells

  1. Stock solutions
    1. NPB-99 Macro-salts (10x). Prepare 1 L of 10x Macro-salts stock solution by dissolving 14.15 g of KNO3, 2.32 g of (NH4)2SO4, 2.0 g of KH2PO4, 0.83 g of CaCl2·2H2O and 0.93 g of MgSO4·7H2O in 500 mL of ddH2O. Stir the solution at room temperature and bring the volume to 1 L with ddH2O.
    2. NPB-99 Micro-salts (100x). Prepare 1 L of 100x Micro-salts stock solution by dissolving 40 mg of KI, 0.5 g of MnSO4·7H....


DNA binding and protection properties of mTPs

The ability of mTPs to non-covalently bind nucleic acids is an essential property for translocation of dsDNA cargoes into the plant mitochondria. The minimum peptide amount needed to bind to and completely saturate the linearized dsDNA in preparation for microspore transfection was determined in a gel mobility shift assay and a nuclease protection assay. Titration of the mTP peptide was performed by adding increasing amounts of the.......


Genetic engineering of mitochondria is a key tool in plant biology and biotechnology but has been very limited in its utility so far due to restrictions in DNA delivery into mitochondrial organelles. Biolistics and electroporation have proven to be popular methods of gene delivery into eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells40, but there are limitations when applying these technologies to in vivo plant mitochondrial genetic transformation. Frequently mitochondrial transformation rates are low


The authors have no conflict of interest to disclose.


The authors thank Bernie Genswein for his computational assistance as well as the Kovalchuk Laboratory, Eric Amundsen and Victoria Hodgson for their technical assistance in the lab. This work was supported by Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada and Agriculture Funding Consortium (Alberta Innovates/Biosolutions, Alberta Wheat Commission and Saskatchewan Wheat Development Commission).



NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
(NH4)2SO4SigmaA3920Component of 10x Macrosalts solution
2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D)SigmaD8407Component of NPB-99 medium
AgarSigmaA7921Solidifying agent 2; Component of rooting medium
a-ketoglutaric acidSigmaK1750Component of GEM medium
Arabinogalactan (Larcoll)SigmaL0650Component of NPB-99 and GEM media
Ascorbic acidSigmaA4544Component of 100x GEM vitamins solution
Betaine chlorideSigmaB7045Component of 100x GEM vitamins solution
BiotinSigmaB3399Component of 100x GEM vitamins solution
CaCl2, 2H2OSigmaC7902Component of 10x Macrosalts solution
Choline-HCLSigmaC-1879Component of 100x GEM vitamins solution
Citric acidSigmaC4540Component of GEM medium
CoCl, 6H2OFisherC371Component of 100x Microsalts solution
CuSO4, 5H2OFisherC489Component of 100x Microsalts solution
FeSO4, 7H2OSigmaF8263Component of 100x Fe-EDTA solution
FicollSigmaF4375Component of NPB-99 culture medium
Folic AcidSigmaF8509Component of 100x GEM vitamins solution
Fumaric acidSigmaF8509Component of GEM medium
GelriteSigmaG1910Solidifying agent 1; Component of GEM medium
GlutamineSigmaG8540Component of NPB-99 and GEM media
H3BO3SigmaB9545Component of 100x Microsalts solution
KH2PO4SigmaP5655Component of 10x Macrosalts solution
KH2PO4SigmaP9791Component of 10x Macrosalts solution
KISigmaP8166Component of 100x Microsalts solution
KinetineSigmaK0753Component of NPB-99 medium
KNO3SigmaP8291Component of 10x Macrosalts solution
Malic acidSigmaM1000Component of GEM medium
MaltoseSigmaM5895Component of NPB-99 and GEM media
MgSO4, 7H2OSigmaM5921Component of 10x Macrosalts solution
MitoTracker Orange CM-H2TMRosInvitrogenM7511Mitochondria-specific dye for confocal microscopy analysis
MnSO4, H2OSigmaM7899Component of 100x Microsalts solution
Myo-InositolSigmaI3011Component of NPB-99 and GEM media
Na2EDTASigmaE5134Component of 100x Fe-EDTA solution
NH4NO3SigmaA3795Component of rooting medium
Nicotinic acidSigmaN0761Component of 100x NPB-99 and GEM vitamins solutions
PantothenateSigmaA7219Component of 100x GEM vitamins solution
Phenylacetic acid (PAA)SigmaP6061Component of NPB-99 and GEM media
Plant preservative mixture (PPM)Plant Cell TechnologiesComponent of GEM medium
Pyridoxine- HClSigmaP8666Component of 100x NPB-99 and GEM vitamins solutions
Pyruvic acidSigmaP2256Component of GEM medium
RiboflavinSigmaC4540Component of 100x GEM vitamins solution
RiboseSigmaR7500Component of GEM medium
SpermidineSigma5292Component of GEM medium
SpermineSigmaS4264Component of GEM medium
Streptomysin sulphateSigmaS9137Selection agent
Succinic acidSigmaS7501Component of GEM medium
SucroseSigmaS7903Component of GEM medium and rooting medium
Thiamine-HClSigmaT1270Component of 100x NPB-99 and GEM vitamins solutions
U2.5 Amino Acid MixturesigmaU-7756Component of GEM medium
XyloseSigmaX1500Component of GEM medium
ZnSO4, 7H2OSigmaZ1001Component of 100x Microsalts solution
Kits & Enzymes
All Prep DNA/RNA mini kitQiagen80204gDNA and RNA extraction
DNeasy Plant Mini KitQiagen69106gDNA isolation
GeneRuler 1 kb DNA LaderThermo Scientific11823963DNA size marker for agarose elecrtophoresis
GeneRuler Low Range DNA LaderThermo Scientific10212840DNA size marker for agarose elecrtophoresis
pCR 2.1 Vector TA Cloning KitInvitrogenK204001Cloning of PCR amplicons
Plasmid Maxi kitQiagen12163Plasmid isolation
QIAquick Gel extraction kitQiagen28706Extraction of PCR products from agarose gels
QIAquick PCR purification kitQiagen28104Purification of linearized plazmid
QuantiTect SYBR Green PCR Master MixQiagen204143Real time RT-PCR
RNase-free DNase setQiagen79256Dnase I treatment
SuperScript III First-Strand Synthesis KitInvitrogen18080051cDNA synthesis
Taq DNA polymerase kitQiagen201205Standard PCR
Other materials
150 mm Petri dishesThermoFisher150350Microspore culture, multi 35 mm Petri dish container
35 mm Petri dishesFisher Scientific0875100AMicrospore culture
60 mm Petri dishesFisher Scientific0875113AMicrospore culture, water reservoir
90 mm Petri dishesThermoFisher101IRR20Embryo germination
Cell LyzerBertin TechnologiesDisruption and homogenization of plant cells and tissues
Magenta vesselsSigmaV 8505Plantlet rooting
Semi-transparent flexible film (Parafilm)ThermoFisher5833-0001Plate sealing
Sylvania Gro-lux wide spectrum bulbs (40 watts)SylvanaGrowth chamber lights
Vacucap 60PF 0.2 UMVWRCA28139-704Filter sterilization of media and solutions


  1. Millar, A. H., et al. Organization and Regulation of Mitochondrial Respiration in Plants. Annual Review of Plant Biology. 62 (1), 79-104 (2011).
  2. Frei, U., Peiretti, E. G., Wenzel, G., Janick, J. Significance of cytoplasmic DNA in plant ....

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