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Transthoracic ultrasound-guided lung biopsy represents a safe, cost-effective, and efficient approach for patients presenting with subpleural lung lesions suspected of malignancy. Employing a systematic, step-by-step process is crucial to achieve optimal patient selection, minimize complication risks, and maximize diagnostic accuracy.


Diagnosing patients with radiological lung lesions, especially those suspected of having primary lung cancer, is a common and critical clinical scenario. When selecting the most suitable invasive procedure to establish a diagnosis in these cases, a delicate balance must be struck between achieving a high diagnostic yield, providing staging information, minimizing potential complications, enhancing the patient experience, and controlling costs. The integration of thoracic ultrasound as a routine clinical tool in respiratory medicine has led to increased awareness and utilization of ultrasound-guided invasive techniques in chest procedures, including transthoracic biopsies. By following a systematic and stepwise approach, transthoracic ultrasound-guided lung biopsy emerges as a safe, cost-effective procedure with a remarkable diagnostic accuracy. These attributes collectively position it as an ideal invasive technique when technically feasible. Consequently, in patients presenting subpleural lung lesions suspected of malignancy, transthoracic ultrasound-guided lung biopsy has become a standard procedure in the realm of modern invasive pulmonology.


Establishing a diagnosis in patients with radiological lung lesions is crucial, particularly when malignancy is suspected. Tissue sampling is essential for confirming malignancy, obtaining additional information like genotyping and staging, and diagnosing non-malignant lung lesions (e.g., infection or vasculitis)1,2.

Several invasive procedures are available for tissue sampling in patients with lung lesions, including conventional bronchoscopy, bronchoscopy supplemented with radial endobronchial ultrasound (REBUS), electromagnetic navigation bronchoscopy (ENB), endobronchial ultraso....


The described protocol below follows the human care guidelines of Odense University Hospital, Odense, Denmark, and the University of Southern Denmark, Odense, Denmark. The step-wise protocol described below represents a potential, systematic approach for a typical patient with suspected lung cancer for whom US-TTNB was performed in an outpatient or daycase setting. Informed written consent was obtained from the patient. We have taken into account current clinical practices at the authors' institutions, as well as descriptions from previously published papers9,13,17,<....


The overall diagnostic yield of US-TTNB in patients with lung lesions has been reported as 88.7% in a meta-analysis by DiBardiono et al.18. However, it should be noted that other studies have reported lower diagnostic yields of US-TTNB17,23,25. Several patient factors have been shown to affect the diagnostic yield of US-TTNB, including: (1) whether there is a malignant or non-malignant condition; (2) the .......


Appropriate patient selection and a careful initial TUS assessment are crucial steps before performing US-TTNB. If the lung lesion cannot be visualized, US-TTNB is not a viable option. Ideally, TUS should be conducted before scheduling the procedure during the clinic visit to prevent last-minute cancellations in the procedural room17. This approach also allows for more comprehensive planning and a potential shift to an alternative invasive procedure if the lesion cannot be visualized


The authors have nothing to disclose.





NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
Ambu BlueSensor RAmbuR-00-S/25ECG patches
BD NexivaΒ Closed IV Catheter System (20 GA x 1.25 in)(1.1 x 32 mm)BD383667Intravenous accesskit
BD PosiFlush SP Syringe 5 mLBD306574Syringe with 5 mL 0.9% NaCl
Blunt Fill Needle with 5 Micron Filter (18 G x 11/2")Sol-Millennium Medical Inc.BN1815F18 G needle
C1-6VN ultrasound transducerGE Healthcare5476279Ultrasound transducer
C2-9D ultrasound transducerGE Healthcare5405253Ultrasound transducer
CARBON STEEL SURGICAL BLADESSwann-Morton203Scalpel blade
Disinfection wipe (82% ehanol + 0.5% chlorhexidine)Vitrex Medical A/S527297Disinfection wipeΒ 
Disposable needle single use (0.80 mm x 80 mm)Misawa Medical Industry Co., Ltd.K07000180 mm 21 G hypodermic needle
EKO GELEkkomed A/S29060008-29Ultrasound gel
Formalin system, buffered formalin solution 450 mLSarstedt5,11,703Biopsy specimen contained and relevant fixation liquid (e.g. formaldehyde)
GAMMEX LatexAnsell330048075Sterile gloves
KD-JECT 20 mLKD Medcial GmbH82020920 mL syringe
Klorhexidin sprit 0.5% 500 mLFuckborg Pharma212045Disinfectant
Lidokain Mylan 10 mg/mL, 20 mLMylanNO-6042A1Local anesthetic (20 mL, 2% lidocaine)
LOGIQ E10GE HealthcareNAHigh-end ultrasound machine
MΓΆlnlycke BARRIER Adhesive Aperture Drape (50 x 60 cm / 6 x 8 cm)Β MΓΆlnlycke Healthcare AB906693Adhesive surgical drape with a central hole
MΓΆlnlycke Gauze 10 x 10 cmMΓΆlnlycke Healthcare AB158440Swaps for applying disinfectant
Philips IntelliVue X2PhilipsNAPatient monitoring system
Raucodrape PRO 75 x 90 cmLohmann & Rauscher International GmbH & Co33 005Sterile drape for procedure table
SEMICUT 18 G x 100 mmMDLPD0181018 G x 100 mm core biopsy needle
SEMICUT 18 G x 160 mmMDLPD0181618 G x 160 mm core biopsy needle
S-Monovette, 25 mL, for Formalin system, (LxØ): 97 x 25 mm, with paper labelSarstedt9,17,05,001Biopsy specimen container
Sterican (0.80 x 120 mm BL/LB)Braun4665643120 mm 21 G hypodermic needle
Tegaderm I.V.3M1633I.V. Transparent film dressing with border
Ultra-Pro IIΒ Disposable Replacement KitsCIVCO610-608For use with GE Healthcare C2-9 transducer
Ultra-Pro IIΒ In-Plane Ultrasound Needle Guides-Multi-AngleCIVCOH4913BAFor use with GE Healthcare C2-9 transducer
VerzaΒ Needle Guidance System for VerzaLinkβ„’Β TransducersCIVCO610-1500-24For use with GE Healthcare C1-6 transducer
VerzaΒ Ultrasound Needle Guidance SystemCIVCOH4917VBFor use with GE Healthcare C1-6 transducer


  1. Maconachie, R., Mercer, T., Navani, N., McVeigh, G., Guideline, C. Lung cancer: diagnosis and management: summary of updated NICE guidance. BMJ. 364, 1049 (2019).
  2. Rasmussen, T. R., et al. Lungecancer - Visitation, Diagnose, Stadie. , ....

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Ultrasound guidedTransthoracic Lung BiopsyLung LesionsPrimary Lung CancerInvasive ProcedureThoracic UltrasoundRespiratory MedicineDiagnostic AccuracySubpleural Lung LesionsInvasive Pulmonology

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