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This study introduces a novel mouse model specifically designed to simulate endometrioma, a clinically significant subtype of endometriosis. By utilizing C57BL/6J mice, the model aims to elucidate the pathophysiological mechanisms underlying endometrioma-related infertility, offering a refined tool to bridge the current knowledge gap in reproductive medicine.


Endometrioma (OMA), a subtype of endometriosis characterized by the formation of endometriotic cysts in the ovaries, affects 17-44% of individuals diagnosed with endometriosis. Women with OMA often experience compromised fertility, yet the exact mechanisms underlying OMA-associated infertility remain unclear. Notably, existing animal models simulate superficial peritoneal endometriosis (SUP) and deep infiltrating endometriosis (DIE), leaving a notable gap in research focused on OMA. In response to the gap of knowledge, this paper introduces a pioneering OMA-simulating mouse model and provides a comprehensive description of the techniques and procedures employed in the model. With a high success rate of 83% and ovarian lesion specificity, this model holds significant promise for advancing our understanding of OMA, particularly in the context of infertility. It offers a valuable platform for conducting targeted research into OMA-associated fertility challenges, potentially paving the way for improved diagnostic and therapeutic strategies in the field of reproductive medicine.


Endometrioma (OMA) is the most predominant subtype of endometriosis, observed in approximately 17-44% of individuals diagnosed with endometriosis1,2. It is characterized by the formation of endometriotic cysts within the ovaries. These cysts, colloquially termed "chocolate cysts", derive their name from their distinctive brown, tar-like consistency3. In addition to OMA, endometriosis can also present as superficial peritoneal endometriosis (SUP) and deep infiltrating endometriosis (DIE). SUP refers to the lesions on the peritoneal lining, whereas DIE refers to lesions penetratin....


All experimental procedures conducted in this study were approved and regulated under protocol number 21-203-MIS_[C] by the Ethical Committee of the Chinese University of Hong Kong.

1. Animal acclimatization and selection

  1. Mice preparation
    1. Obtain 18 C57BL/6J mice (primiparous females, 8-9 weeks old: 6 donors, 12 recipients) from a reputable supplier. Verify the health certificates.
    2. Maintain all mice in a controlled housing environment: 22-24 °C, humidity levels between 40% and 60%, and with a 12 h light/dark cycle. Use HEPA-filtered air, if available.
    3. Allow 72 h acclimation ....


The successful establishment of OMA
Of the 12 mice subjected to the transplantation protocol, 10 exhibited characteristic OMA lesions, both at a gross anatomical and histological level, translating to a success rate of 83%. Gross examination revealed fluid-filled lesions adherent to the ovaries, reminiscent of clinical OMA presentations (Figure 2). Histopathological scrutiny, as illustrated in Figure 3, confirmed the ectopic endometrial ti.......


The prevalence of OMA in the global female population underscores a critical health concern38. Beyond the general symptoms of endometriosis, OMA brings additional challenges for fertility, including severe pelvic pain, potential for ovarian torsion, and other notable implications39,40. While the understanding of OMA pathogenesis and progression is largely shrouded in mystery, the knowledge vacuum not only impedes the formulation of targete.......


The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


This study is funded by the Theme-based Research Scheme granted by the Research Grants Council of the Hong Kong Government of Special Administrative Region (T13-602/21-N).



NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
1 cc syringe with 25 G needleBD Biosciences301320
10 mm Tissue culture dishFALCON353001
10% Buffered formalinFisher ScientificSF100-4
10x phosphate buffered saline (PBS) bufferFisher ScientificAM9625
30 G needleBD Biosciences305107
5-0 black braided silk non-absorbable sutureEthicon Inc.W500H
70% Ethanol
Adhesive microscope slidesMarienfeld810401
Buprenorphine Injection Med-Vet InternationalRXBUPRENOR5
Double-headed cotton swabSANYO Co., LTD.HUBY-340
Fine forcepsFine Science Tools11254-20
KetamineAlfasan International b.v2203095-08
MicrotubesCorning MCT-150-C
Needle holderExcelta Corporation2827-NH-35-SE-ND
Ophthalmic ointmentMajor Pharmaceuticals10033691
Periodic Acid Schiff (PAS) Stain Kit AbcamAb150680
Powder free sterile glovesFisher Scientific19020558
Processing/embedding cassettesFisher Scientific15-197-700A
Size 3 scalpelFisher Scientific22-079-657
Small serrated semi-curved forcepsRoboz Surgical Instruments Co.RS-5135
Small surgical scissorsRoboz Surgical Instruments Co.RS-5850
Standard light microscopeFor evaluating vaginal cytology smears and histological analysis.
Steel scalpel blades #10B.BraunBB510
Sterile gauzeMEDICOMHMWS 077
Sterilized pyrex glass Petri dishesCorning70160-101
Thermoregulated electric pad 
VICRYL RAPIDE (polyglactin 910) absorbable SutureEthicon Inc.W9918
Xylazine Alfasan International b.v2110333-10


  1. Khan, K. N., et al. Pelvic pain in women with ovarian endometrioma is mostly associated with coexisting peritoneal lesions. Hum Reprod. 28 (1), 109-118 (2013).
  2. Gałczyński, K., Jóźwik, M., Lewkowicz, D., Semczuk-Sikora, A., Semczuk, A.

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Experimental Mouse ModelEndometriomaOMAEndometriosisInfertilityOvarian LesionsAnimal ModelsReproductive MedicineDiagnostic StrategiesTherapeutic Strategies

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