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PESTEL analysis is a strategic tool organizations use to assess and understand the external macro-environmental factors that can impact their operations. PESTEL stands for Political, Economic, Social, Technological, Environmental, and Legal factors.

  • Political factors: involve examining the influence of government policies, regulations, and stability on an organization. It can include things like taxation, trade laws, and government stability.
  • Economic factors: relate to the broader economic conditions that affect businesses, including economic growth, inflation, exchange rates, and consumer spending.
  • Social factors: such as demographics, cultural attitudes, and lifestyle changes, pertain to the societal aspects that can influence an organization.
  • Technological factors: focus on the impact of technological advancements and innovation on the organization's products, services, and processes.
  • Environmental factors: encompass issues related to sustainability, ecological concerns, and the impact of an organization's operations on the environment.
  • Legal factors: involve an examination of the legal and regulatory framework in which the organization operates, including labor laws, health and safety regulations, and industry-specific laws.

The analysis aids strategic planning and risk assessment by anticipating and addressing external factors impacting an organization's performance, competitiveness, and overall success. It offers a structured approach to consider the broader operational context and make informed decisions.

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