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Power and conflicts in distribution channels are integral aspects of the relationship dynamics between manufacturers, intermediaries, and retailers involved in bringing a product to the end consumer. Power in this context refers to the ability of one channel member to influence another in ways that serve its interests.

Manufacturers typically hold power through their control over production, brand reputation, and the availability of desirable products. However, conflicts may arise when distributors or retailers who control access to the end consumer seek better terms or more favorable conditions. These conflicts often revolve around pricing, promotion, or distribution exclusivity.

On the other hand, retailers may exert power in cases where they have a strong brand or are a significant part of a manufacturer's sales. They may demand favorable terms or exclusivity, influencing the manufacturer's strategies.

Balancing power and resolving conflicts is crucial for channel efficiency. Effective communication, mutual understanding, and establishing clear agreements can help mitigate conflicts. Channel members may also use negotiation, collaboration, or coercion strategies to maintain or shift power dynamics.

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