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该方案提出了一种基于位点特异性重组的位点特异性染色质分离方法,以从出芽酵母酿酒酵母中纯化其天然染色质环境中感兴趣的单拷贝基因位点 。
真核染色质的基本组织单位是核小体核心颗粒 (NCP),它包括包裹在组蛋白八聚体周围 ~1.7 倍的 DNA。染色质被定义为 NCP 和许多其他蛋白质复合物的实体,包括转录因子、染色质重塑和修饰酶。目前尚不清楚在细胞周期的不同阶段,这些蛋白质-DNA相互作用是如何在特定基因组位点的水平上协调的。这主要是由于当前的技术限制,这使得获得这种动态相互作用的精确测量具有挑战性。在这里,我们描述了一种改进的方法,将位点特异性重组与高效的单步亲和纯化方案相结合,以分离处于天然染色质状态的单拷贝目标基因位点。该方法允许在基因组染色质上稳健地富集靶位点,使该技术成为以无偏倚和系统的方式(例如通过质谱法)识别和量化蛋白质相互作用的有效策略。除了这种成分分析之外,通过这种方法纯化的天然染色质可能反映了有关核小体定位和组蛋白修饰的 体内 情况,因此,可以对来自酵母中几乎任何基因组位点的染色质进行进一步的结构和生化分析。
真核生物基因组的动态组织成染色质,使DNA紧凑,使其适应细胞核的范围,同时确保基因表达的足够动态和调节因子的可及性。在某种程度上,这种多功能性是由核小体介导的,核小体是染色质的基本单位,它包括一个核心颗粒,其 147 bp 的 DNA 包裹在组蛋白八聚体1 周围 ~1.7 倍。核小体的组成是一种高度动态的结构,在 N 端和 C 端组蛋白尾部有许多组蛋白变体和翻译后修饰 (PTM)。此外,真核染色质与许多其他基本成分相互作用,例如转录因子、DNA 和 RNA 加工机制、结构蛋白、参与染色质重塑和修饰的酶以及与染色质相关的 RNA 分子。这些参与转录、复制和修复的关键机制都需要获得染色质,染色质是这些过程的天然底物。因此,理解这些DNA交易背后的分子机制需要精确定义这些机制汇聚并促进生物反应的特定基因组区域染色质结构的集体改变。
尽管通过遗传学和蛋白质-蛋白质相互作用研究鉴定了许多染色质因子,但对特定基因组位点的染色质相互作用进行直接、无偏倚和全面的分析仍然是一个重大障碍 2,3。最初,只能分离出足够数量和纯度的基因组高丰度区域(即重复位点)或多拷贝质粒,以质谱鉴定相关蛋白质4,5,6,7。....
有关本协议中使用的所有材料和仪器的详细信息,请参阅 材料表 。有关所用溶液、缓冲液和培养基的列表,请参见 表 1 。
1. 重组酵母菌株构建
2. 将IgG抗体偶联到环氧活化的磁珠上
~1.4 kb ARS316 染色质结构域的纯化由组成型表达的 LexA-TAP 接头蛋白介导。作为阴性对照,我们使用表达LexA-TAP但不含整合RS和LexA结合位点的同基因菌株进行纯化。 图 3 显示了对对照和靶向 ARS316 位点的重组能力菌株进行的标准纯化实验的 DNA 分析结果。在DNA分离和限制性内切酶消化以线性化环状DNA分子后,进行qPCR分析以评估ARS316靶位点对不相关的基因组对照位点PDC1的纯化效率.......
S.H.实验室的工作得到了DFG通过SFB1064(项目ID 213249687)、欧洲研究委员会(ERC启动资助852798冲突解决)和亥姆霍兹协会的支持。
....Name | Company | Catalog Number | Comments |
Yeast strains | |||
Control Strain: MATa; ura3Δ0; leu2Δ0; his3Δ1; met15Δ0; bar1::kanMX4; Chr I 212kb::LEU2 pTEF2-LEXA-TAP pGAL1-10 RecR | Section 1, see references 13 and 14 | ||
Recombination Strain: MATa; ura3Δ0; leu2Δ0; his3Δ1; met15Δ0; bar1::kanMX4; RS_LEXA_NS-3_ARS316_NS+3_RS; Chr I 212kb::LEU2 pTEF2-LEXA-TAP pGAL1-10 RecR | Section 1, see reference 13 and 14 | ||
Plasmid | |||
K238 plasmid | Section 1, see reference 13 Storage: Store at -20 °C | ||
K071 Spike-in plasmid DNA | Section 7.1, see reference 13 Storage: Store at -20 °C | ||
Reagents | |||
Acetone | Carl Roth | 5025.1 | Section 2 Storage: Store at room temperature |
Ammonium acetate (NH4Ac) | Sigma Aldrich | A7262 | Section 6 and 7.1 Storage: Store at room temperature |
Ammonium solution (NH4OH) 25% | Merck Millipore | 533003 | Section 6 Storage: Store at room temperature |
Ammonium sulfate | Santa Cruz | Sc-29085 | Section 2 Storage: Store at room temperature |
Bacto agar | BD (VWR) | 90000-760 | Section 3 Storage: Store at room temperature |
Bacto peptone | BD (VWR) | 211820 | Section 3 Storage: Store at room temperature |
β-Mercaptoethanol | Sigma Aldrich | 07604 | Section 7.2 Storage: Store at 4 °C |
Chemiluminescent substrate kit | ThermoFisher | 34580 | Section 7.2 Storage: Store at 4 °C |
Di-Sodium Hydrogen phosphate dodecahydrate | Merck | 1.06579.1000 | Section 2 and 7.1 Storage: Store at room temperature |
Dithiothreitol (DTT) | ThermoFisher | 15508013 | Section 4 Storage: Store at 4 °C |
Ethanol | Merck | 100983 | Section 7.1 Storage: Store at room temperature |
Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) | Sigma Aldrich | ED | Section 7.1 Storage: Store at room temperature |
Galactose (20% (w/v) stock) | Sigma Aldrich | G0625-1KG / 5KG | Section 3 Storage: Store at room temperature |
Gel loading dye (6x) | BioLabs | B7024A | Section 7.1 Storage: Store at -20 °C |
Glusose | Sigma-Aldrich | G8270 | Section Storage: Store at room temperature |
Glycine | Carl Roth | .0079.4 | Section 2 Storage: Store at room temperature |
Glycogen (5 mg/mL) | Invitrogen | AM9510 | Section 7.1 Storage: Store at -20 °C |
Hydrochloric acid (HCl) | PanReac AppliChem | 182109.1211 | Section 2, 4 and 7.1 Storage: Store at room temperature |
Magnesium Acetate (MgAc) | Bernd Kraft | 15274.2600/C035 | Section 4 Storage: Store at room temperature |
Magnesium chloride (MgCl2) | Sigma Aldrich | M8266 | Section 6 Storage: Store at room temperature |
Nu PAGE LDS sample buffer (4x) | Invitrogen | 2399549 | Section 7.2 Storage: Store at room temperature |
Phenol/Chloroform/Isoamyl alcohol (25:24:1 v/v) | Invitrogen | 15593-031 | Section 7.1 Storage: Store at 4 °C |
Potassium chloride (KCl) | Sigma | P9541 | Section 4 Storage: Store at room temperature |
Radioactively labeled α-32P dATP (3,000 Ci/mmol, 10 mCi/mL) | Hartmann Analytic | SRP-203 | Section 7.1 Storage: Store at 4 °C |
RadPrime labeling system | ThermoFisher | 18428-011 | Section 7.1 Storage: Store at -20 °C |
Raffinose (20% (w/v) stock) | SERVA | 34140.03 | Section 3 Storage: Store at room temperature |
Sodium chloride (NaCl) | Merck | K53710504142 | Section 7.1 Storage: Store at room temperature |
Sodium citrate (Na3C6H5O7) | Sigma-Aldrich | 71402 | Section 7.1 Storage: Store at room temperature |
Sodium hydroxide (NaOH) | Sigma Aldrich | S5881 | Section 7.1 Storage: Store at room temperature |
Sodium n-dodecyl sulfate (SDS) (5% stock (w/v) ) | Alfa Aesar | A11183 | Section 7.1 Storage: Store at room temperature |
Sodium phosphate monobasic | Sigma-Aldrich | 71496 | Section 2 and 7.1 Storage: Store at room temperature |
Sodium azide | Santa Cruz Biotechnology | sc-208393 | Section 2 Storage: Store at -20 °C |
Triethylamine | Sigma Aldrich | 90340 | Section 2 Storage: Store at room temperature |
Tris base | Chem Cruz | SC-3715B | Section 2 and 4 Storage: Store at room temperature |
Triton X-100 | Sigma Aldrich | X100 | Section 2 and 4 Storage: Store at room temperature |
Tween-20 | Bernd Kraft | 18014332 | Section 4 Storage: Store at room temperature |
Yeast extract | BD (VWR) | 212720 | Section 3 Storage: Store at room temperature |
Yeast mating factor alpha (1 µg/mL stock ) | Biomol | Y2016.5 | Section 3 Storage: Store at -20 °C |
Yeast Synthetic Drop-out medium Supplements without LEUCINE | Sigma Aldrich | Y1376 | Section 1, see reference 14 |
Enzymes | |||
HpaI restriction enzyme (5,000 U/mL) | NEB | R0105S | Section 7.1 Storage: Store at -20 °C |
Protease and Phosphatase Inhibitor Cocktail (100x) | ThermoFisher Scientific | 78446 | Section 4 Storage: Store at4 °C |
Proteinase K (10 mg/mL) | SERVA | 33756 | Section 7.1 Storage: Store at -20 °C |
RNase A (10 mg/mL) | ThermoFisher | EN0531 | Section 7.1 Storage: Store at -20 °C |
TEV protease (10000 U/µL) | NEB | P8112S | Section 5 Storage: Store at -20 °C |
Materials | |||
BcMag Epoxy-Activated Magnetic Beads | Bioclone Inc. | FC-102 | Section 2 Storage: Store at 4 °C |
Dry ice | Section 4 | ||
Low-binding centrifuge tubes 2.0 mL | Eppendorf | 22431102 | Section 4 |
Microspin G-25 Columns | Cytiva | 27-5325-01 | Section 7.1 Storage: Store at room temperature |
Parafilm | Merck | P7793 | Section 4 |
Positive nylon membrane | Biozol | 11MEMP0001 | Section 7.1 Storage: Store at room temperature |
PVDF transfer membrane | Immobilon-Merck Millipore | IPVH00010 | Section 7.2 Storage: Store at room temperature |
SDS-PAGE gel 4-12% bis-tris (15 well, 1.5 mm) | Invitrogen | NP0336BOX | Section 7.2 Storage: Store at 4 °C |
Syringe (25 mL) with luer fitting | Henke Sass Wolf | 4200-000V0 | Section 3 |
Whatman paper (Grade 3MM CHR Cellulose Western Blotting Paper Sheet) | Cytiva | 3030-917 | Section 7.1 Storage: Store at room temperature |
Antibodies | |||
Anti-LexA, rabbit polyclonal IgG, DNA binding region antibody | Merck Millipore | 06-719 | Section 7.2 Storage: Store at -20 °C |
Goat Anti-Rabbit IgG (H+L), Horseradish peroxidase conjugate | Invitrogen | G21234 | Section 7.2 Storage: Store at -20 °C |
Peroxidase Anti-Peroxidase (PAP) antibody produced in rabbit for the detection of TAP-tagged proteins | Sigma Aldrich | P1291-500UL | Section 7.2 Storage: Store at -20 °C |
Rabbit IgG antibodies | Sigma | I5006-100MG | Section 2 Storage: Store at 4 °C |
Primers (10 µM) | |||
K071 Spike-in plasmid DNA: fwd: 5'-TTTTCGCTGCTTGTCCTTTT, rev 5'- CATTTTCGTCCTCCCAACAT | Section 7.1 | ||
PCR fragment from yeast genomic DNA as a template for ARS316 amplification (for southern blot): fwd 5’- AAATTCTGCCCTTGATTCGT rev 5’- TTTGTTTATCTCATCACTAAT | Section 7.1 | ||
Equipment | |||
Coffee grinder | Gastroback | 42601 | Section 4 |
Dewar flask | NAL GENE | 4150-2000 | Section 3 |
DynaMag TM-2 magnetic rack | Invitrogen | 12321D | Section 4, 5 and 6 |
Hybridization oven | Hybaid Mini10 | Ri418 | Section 2 |
Microcentrifuge | Eppendorf | 5424R | Section 4 and 7.1 |
UV-crosslinker | Analytikjena | 95-0174-02 | Section 7.1 |
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