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进行性冠状动脉狭窄导致的慢性心肌缺血导致冬眠心肌 (HIB),HIB 定义为通过降低代谢活动来适应氧气供应减少的心肌,从而防止不可逆的心肌细胞损伤和梗死。这与心肌梗死不同,因为 HIB 具有通过血运重建恢复的潜力。患有严重冠状动脉疾病 (CAD) 的患者会出现慢性缺血,这使他们面临心力衰竭和猝死的风险。重度冠状动脉旁路移植手术 (CABG) 是重度冠状动脉旁路移植手术 (CABG),但它已被证明是一种不完美的治疗方法,但尚无辅助疗法来恢复适应慢性缺血的肌细胞。 为了解决这一差距,使用适合 CABG 并模拟临床场景的猪 HIB 手术模型。该模型涉及两次手术。第一次手术涉及在左前降支 (LAD) 上植入 1.5 mm 的刚性收缩器。随着动物的生长,蟒蛇逐渐引起明显的狭窄,导致区域收缩功能下降。一旦狭窄达到 80%,心肌血流和功能就会受损,从而产生 HIB。然后使用左乳内动脉 (LIMA) 进行非体外循环 CABG,以使缺血区域血运重建。动物恢复一个月,以便在牺牲前获得最佳的心肌改善。这允许对不同的治疗组进行生理和组织研究。该动物模型表明,尽管进行了 CABG,但心脏功能仍然受损,这表明需要新的辅助干预。在这项研究中,开发了一种嵌入间充质干细胞 (MSC) 衍生外泌体的胶原贴片,该贴片可以通过手术应用于 LIMA 吻合口远端的心外膜表面。该材料符合心外膜,可吸收,并为信号因子的持续释放提供支架。这种再生疗法可以刺激心肌恢复,而仅对血运重建没有反应。该模型通过提供有关 HIB 恢复的生理和机制探索手段,转化为临床领域。
在全球范围内,重症冠状动脉疾病影响超过一亿患者,尽管死亡率有所下降,但它仍然是导致死亡的主要原因之一1,2。冠状动脉疾病的临床范围很广,从心肌梗死 (MI) 到缺血,但仍能存活。大多数临床前研究都集中在心肌梗死上,其特征是存在梗死组织,因为可以在小型和大型动物模型中进行研究。然而,该模型并不能解决保留活力和适合血运重建的患者。大多数接受 CABG 的患者血液供应减少和功能受限,同时保持收缩储备和活力的可变性 3.如果不进行治疗,这些患者可能会进展为晚期心力衰竭和猝死,尤其是在工作量增加的情况下 4.在这些患者中,冠状动脉旁路移植术 (CABG) 是一种有效的治疗方法,但可能无法完全恢复功能5。重要的是,舒张功能障碍是较差临床结果的标志,在血运重建后无法恢复,这表明在 CABG 6,7 期间需要新的辅助治疗。目前,尚无临床上可用的辅助干预措施与 CABG 一起使用,以将心肌细胞恢复到全部功能能力。这是一个重大的治疗差距,因为尽管进行了适当的血运重建,但许多患者仍会发展为晚期心力衰竭8。
1. 间充质干细胞的分离及外泌体的制备和表征
血运重建后,进行冠状动脉造影以评估LAD狭窄(大于80%)和LIMA-LAD移植物的通畅性(图1)。血运重建手术和放置富含外泌体的胶原蛋白贴片 4 周后,使用低剂量多巴酚丁胺输注以 5μg/kg/min 的速度进行心脏 MRI 以评估心脏在静息和压力下的收缩和舒张功能。通过测量壁厚百分比(收缩期末壁厚 - 舒张期末壁厚)来分析收缩功能。通过测量舒张末期容量的峰值充盈率(PFR/EDV;
本研究提出了第一个慢性缺血性心肌的猪模型,其中表明,在手术血运重建期间,用 MSC 衍生的外泌体负载胶原蛋白贴片治疗可在正性肌力刺激下恢复舒张和收缩功能,可能通过靶向线粒体恢复。先前,研究表明,在HIB的大型动物模型中,通过心脏MRI测量的舒张和收缩功能仍然受损,并且仅随着血运重建而略有改善,而没有完全恢复6,19。尽管左心室射?.......
这项工作得到了美国 (U.S.) 的 VA Merit Review #I01 BX000760 (RFK) 的支持。退伍军人事务部 BLR&D 和美国退伍军人事务部拨款 #I01 BX004146 (TAB)。我们也非常感谢明尼苏达大学利勒海心脏研究所的支持。本作品内容不代表美国政府退伍军人事务部的观点。
....Name | Company | Catalog Number | Comments |
5 Ethibond | Ethicon | MG46G | Suture |
# 40 clipper blade | Oster | 078919-016-701 | Remove hair from surgery sites |
0 Vicryl | Ethicon | J208H | Suture |
1 mL Syringe | Medtronic/Covidien | 1188100777 | Administer injectable agents |
1" medical tape | Medline | MMM15271Z | Secure wound dressing and IV catheters |
1000mL 0.9% Sodium chloride | Baxter | 2B1324X | IV replacement fluid |
12 mL Syringe | Medtronic/Covidien | 8881512878 | Administer injectable agents |
18 ga needles | BD | 305185 | Administration of injectable agents |
20 ga needles | BD | 305175 | Administration of injectable agents |
20 mL Syringe | Medtronic/Covidien | 8881520657 | Administer injectable agents |
2-0 Vicryl | Ethicon | J317H | Suture |
250 mL 0.9% saline | Baxter | UE1322D | Replacement IV Fluid |
3 mL Syinge | Medtronic/Covidien | 1180300555 | Administer injectable agents |
3-0 Vicryl | Ethicon | VCP824G | Suture |
36” Pressure monitoring tubing | Smith’s Medical | MX563 | Connect art. Line to transducer |
4.0 mm ID endotracheal tube | Medline | DYND43040 | Establish airway for Hibernation |
4-0 Tevdek II Strands | Deknatel | 7-922 | Suture to secure constrictor around LAD |
48” Pressure monitoring tubing | Smith’s Medical | MX564 | Connect art. Line to transducer |
500mL 0.9% Sodium chloride | Baxter | 2B1323Q | Drug delivery, Provide mist for Blower Mister |
6 mL Syringe | Medtronic/Covidien | 1180600777 | Administer injectable agents |
6.0 mm ID endotracheal tube | Mallinckrodt | 86049 | Establish airway for Revasc,MRI and Termination |
6.5 mm ID endotracheal tube | Medline | DYND43065 | Establish airway for Revasc,MRI and Termination |
6” pressure tubing line | Smith’s Medical | MX560 | Collect bone marrow |
60 mL Syringe | Medtronic/Covidien | 8881560125 | Administer injectable agents |
7.0 mm ID endotracheal tube | Medline | DYND43070 | Establish airway for Revasc,MRI and Termination |
7-0 Prolene | Ethicon | M8702 | Suture |
Advanced DMEM (1X) | ThermoFisher Scientific | 12491023 | |
Alcohol Prep pads | MedSource | MS-17402 | Skin disinfectant |
Amicon Ultra-15 Centrifugal Filter Unit | Millipore Sigma | UFC910024 | |
Anesthesia Machine | Drager | Fabious Trio | maintains general anesthesia |
Anesthesia Machine + ventilator | DRE Drager- Fabius Tiro | DRE0603FT | Deliver Oxygen and inhalant to patient |
Anesthesia Monitor | Phillips Intellivue | MP70 | Multiparameter for patient safety |
Arterial Line Kit | Arrow | ASK-04510-HF | Femoral catheter for blood pressure monitoring |
Artificial Tears | Rugby | 0536-1086-91 | Lubricate eyes to prevent corneal drying |
Bair Hugger | 3M | Model 505 | Patient Warming system |
Basic pack | Medline | DYNJP1000 | Sterile drapes and table cover |
Blood Collection Tubes- green top | Fisher Scientific | 02-689-7 | Collect microsphere blood samples |
Blower Mister Kit | Medtronic/Covidien | 22120 | Clears surgical field for vessel anastomosis |
BODIPY TR Ceramide | ThermoFisher Scientific | D7540 | |
Bone marrow needle- 25mm 15 ga IO needle | Vidacare | 9001-VC-005 | Collect bone marrow |
Bone Wax | Medline | ETHW31G | Hemostasis of cut bone |
Bovie Cautery hand piece | Covidien | E2516 | Hemostasis |
Bupivicaine | Pfizer | 00409-1161-01 | Local Anesthetic |
Buprenorphine 0.3 mg/mL | Sigma Aldrich | B9275 | Pre operative Analgesic for survivial procedures |
Cell Scrapers | Corning | 353085 | |
Cephazolin 1 gr | Pfizer | 00409-0805-01 | Antibiotic |
Chest Tube | Covidien | 8888561043 | Evacuates air from chest cavity |
Cloroprep | Becton Dickenson | 260815 | Surgical skin prep |
Corning bottle-top vacuum Filter System (500mL) | Millipore Sigma | 430758 | |
CPT tube | BD | 362753 | MSC isolation from bone marrow |
Delrin Constrictor | U of MN | Custom made | Creates stenosis of LAD |
Dermabond | Ethicon | DNX12 | Skin adhesive |
DMEM (1X) Dulbecco's Modified Eagle Medium, HEPES | ThermoFisher Scientific | 12430062 | |
Dobutamine 12.5 mg/mL | Pfizer | 00409-2344-01 | Increases blood pressure and heart rate during the second microsphere blood collection |
ECG Pads | DRE | 1496 | Monitor heart rhythm |
Exosome-Depleted FBS | ThermoFisher Scientific | A2720801 | |
Falcon Disposable Polystyrene Serological Pipets, Sterile, 10mL | Fisher Scientific | 13-675-20 | |
Femoral and carotid introducer | Cordis- J&J | 504606P | femoral and carotis cannulas |
Fetal Bovine Serum, Heat Inactivated, Gibco FBS | ThermoFisher Scientific | 16140089 | |
Flo-thru 1.0 | Baxter | FT-12100 | used to anastomos LIMA to L |
Flo-thru 1.25 | Baxter | FT-12125 | FT-12125 |
Flo-thru 1.5 | Baxter | FT-12150 | FT-12150 |
Flo-thru 2.0 | Baxter | FT-12200 | FT-12200 |
GlutaMAX Supplement | ThermoFisher Scientific | 35050061 | |
Hair Clipper | Oster | 078566-011-002 | Remove hair from surgery sites |
Helistat collagen sponge | McKesson | 570973 1690ZZ | Sponge for embedding exosomes |
Heparin | Pfizer | 0409-2720-03 | anticoaggulant |
Histology Jars | Fisher Scientific | 316-154 | Formalin for tissue samples |
HyClone Characterized Fetal Bovine Serum (FBS) | Cytiva | SH30071.03 | |
Hypafix | BSN Medical | 4210 | Secure wound dressing and IV catheters |
Isoflurane | Sigma Aldrich | CDS019936 | General Anesthestic- Inhalant |
IV Tubing for Blower Mister | Carefusion | 42493E | Adapts to IV Fluids for Blower/Mister |
Jelco 18 ga IV catheter | Smiths medical | 4054 | IV access in Revasc, MRI and Term |
Lidocaine 2% | Pfizer | 00409-4277-01 | Local Anesthetic/ antiarrthymic |
Ligaclips | Ethicon | MSC20 | Surgical Staples for LIMA takedown |
Long blade for laryngoscope | DRE | 12521 | Allows for visualization of trachea for intubation |
Meloxicam 5 mg/mL | Boehringer Ingelheim | 141-219 | Post operative Analgesic |
Microsphere pump | Collect blood samples from femoral introducer | ||
Monopolar Cautery | Covidien | Valleylab™ FT10 | Hemostasis |
Nanosight NS 300 | Malvern Panalytical | MAN0541-03-EN | |
NTA 3.1.54 software | Malvern Panalytical | MAN0520-01-EN-00 | |
OPVAC Synergy II | Terumo Cardiovascular System | 401-230 | Heart positioner and Stabilizer |
Oxygen Tank E cylinder | various | various | Used for Blower Mister if anesthesia machine doesn't have auxiliary flow meter |
PBS, pH 7.2 | ThermoFisher Scientific | 20012050 | |
Penicillin-Streptomycin-Neomycin (PSN) Antibiotic Mixture | ThermoFisher Scientific | 15640055 | |
Pigtail 145 catheter 6 French | Boston Scientific | 08641-41 | Measure LV pressures |
Pressure Transducer | various | Must adapt to anesthesia monitor | Monitor direct arterial pressures |
Propofol | Diprivan | 269-29 | Induction agent |
Roncuronium | Mylan | 67457-228-05 | Neuromuscular blocking agent |
SR Buprenorphine 10 mg/mL | Abbott Labs | NADA 141-434 | Post operative Analgesic |
Sterile Saline 20 mL | Fisher Scientific | 20T700220 | Flush for IV catheters |
Sternal Saw/ Necropsy Saw | Thermo Fisher | 812822 | Used to open chest cavity |
Stop Cocks | Smith Medical | MX5311L | 2 to connect to pig tail |
Succinylcholine 20 mg/mL | Pfizer | 00409-6629-02 | Neuromuscular blocking agent |
Suction tubing | Medline | DYND50223 | |
Suction Container | Medline | DYNDCL03000 | |
Surgery pack with chest retractor | various | See pack list | Femoral cut down and median sternotomy |
Surgical Instruments | various | See pack list | Femoral and carotid cutdowns and sternotomy |
Surgical Spring Clip | Applied Medical | A1801 | Clamp end of LIMA after takedown |
Syringe pump | Harvard | Delivers IV Dobutamine infusion | |
SYTO RNASelect Green Fluorescent cell Stain - 5 mM Solution in DMSO | Millipore Sigma | S32703 | |
Telazol 100 mg/mL | Fort Dodge | 01L60030 | Pre operative Sedative |
Telpha pad | Covidien | 2132 | Sterile wound dressing |
Timer | Time collection of blood samples | ||
Total Exosome Isolation Reagent (from cell culture media) | ThermoFisher Scientific | 4478359 | |
TPP Tissue Culture Flask, T75, Filter Cap w/ 0.22uM PTFE | ThermoFisher Scientific | TP90076 | |
Triple Antibiotic Ointment | Johnson & Johnson | 23734 | Topical over wound |
Vicryl mesh | Ethicon | VKML | Patch for epicardial cell application |
Vortex | Mix microspheres | ||
Xylazine 100 mg/mL | Vedco | 468RX | Pre operative Sedative/ analgesic |
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