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用于治疗抑郁症。此外,该药物似乎具有雌激素样活性,这会影响早期成骨细胞特异性标志物 ALP 和骨细胞外基质主要成分 COL-1 的表达。评估小药丸对小鼠绝经后骨质疏松症 (PMOM) 的影响。通过中医系统药理学 (TCMSP) 数据库获取逍遥丸中各草药成分的靶点信息。利用来自 GeneCards 、 OMIM 、 PharmGkb 、 TTD 、 DrugBank 等网站的信息,通过 Cytoscape 和 String 网络构建草药复合物的调控网络,以评估蛋白质相互作用。对小鼠进行卵巢切除,并用高剂量和低剂量的逍遥丸治疗,并将其与对照组进行比较。通过骨组织的免疫细胞化学评估他们的症状。结果表明,逍遥丸具有通过 IL-17 信号通路缓解去卵巢小鼠 PMOM 症状的能力。这种药物有可能成为治疗骨质疏松症的新型治疗剂。
世界卫生组织 (WHO) 将骨质疏松症 (OP) 定义为一种以骨量减少和骨组织微结构恶化为特征,导致骨脆性增加,从而增加骨折风险的疾病1。骨质疏松症的临床意义在于它可导致骨折,这与高死亡率、发病率和经济成本有关2。绝经后骨质疏松症 (PMOP) 是由绝经后女性雌激素水平降低引起的,导致破骨细胞活性增加,导致骨质流失和骨微结构破坏。这通常会导致骨质疏松症,对健康产生严重影响3。目前的 PMOP 疗法包括雌激素替代疗法、双膦酸盐和甲状旁腺激素,但它们可能具有不同程度的不良反应、长期依从性不足和高成本4。因此,负担得起的草药对于很大一部分人来说是一种可行的选择。
游江民族医科大学实验动物伦理委员会批准了该研究方案(批准文号:2022101502)。雌性 C57BL/6 小鼠,10-12 周龄,SPF 级和体重 (22 ± 2) g,饲养在游江民族医科大学 SPF 级动物实验中心。实验动物维持在 24-26 °C 的温度和 55% 至 60% 的相对湿度下。
1. 中医系统药理数据库和分析平台
注:中医系统药理学数据库和分析平台 (TCMSP;https://old.tcmsp-e.com/tcmsp.php) 是中医药理学平台,包含有关中药成分、ADME 相关特性、靶点和疾病的信息16,17。
通过检索 TCMSP 数据库并根据口服生物利用度 (OB) ≥ 30% 和类药性质 (DL) ≥ 0.18 的标准进行筛选,发现小药丸中存在 125 种活性成分。其中,成分 6、4、9、13、2、6、83 和 2 分别来自白芍、白术、薄荷、柴胡、当归、茯苓、甘草和生姜。一些活性成分如表 1 所示。此外,从 TCMSP 数据库中共获得 879 个有?.......
据统计,骨质疏松症在美国每年导致 150 万例骨折,其中绝大多数发生在绝经后妇女身上 27。随着人口老龄化的增加,预计全球未来大部分髋部骨折将发生在亚洲,到 2050 年,全球髋部骨折总数将达到 820 万例28。预防骨折的成本几乎等于治疗骨折的成本,使用药物不可避免地会产生一些副作用29。因此,迫切需要一种更具成本效益的方法,在?.......
百色市科学研究与技术发展计划 (20224128) 为这项工作提供了支持。作者感谢伦敦帝国理工学院的 Dev Sooranna 博士和 YMUN 编辑手稿。YYX 和 ZYW 对这项研究的贡献相同。
....Name | Company | Catalog Number | Comments |
1ml Sampler | Guangxi Beilunhe Medical Industrial Group Co. | JYQ001 | For anesthesia in mice |
4%polyformaldehyde | Beijing Solarbio Science & Technology Co.,Ltd. | P1110 | For tissue fixation |
6-0 absorbable suture (angled needle) | Shanghai Pudong Jinhuan Medical Supplies Co. | HZX-06 | For postoperative suturing |
Absorbent cotton ball | Winner | MIANQIU-500g | For sterilization and hemostasis |
Adhesive slides | Jiangsu Shitai Experimental Equipment Co. | 188105 | For tissue sectioning |
Amobarbital | Sigma Aldrich (Shanghai) Trading Co. | A-020-1ML | For anesthesia in mice |
Bluing Solution | Beijing Solarbio Science & Technology Co.,Ltd. | G1866 | Blue coloration of the nuclei of cells after the action of hematoxylin differentiation solution |
C57BL/6 mice | Beijing Vital River Laboratory Animal Technology Co., Ltd. | (SCXK 2033-0063) | For use in animal experiments |
Carbon steel surgical blades | Premier Medical Equipment Co. | SP239 | For mouse surgery |
CIKS/TRAF3IP2 Rabbit pAb | BIOSS ANTIBODIES | bs-6202R | Binds to Act1 in tissues |
Cole's Hematoxylin Solution (For Conventional Stain) | Beijing Solarbio Science & Technology Co.,Ltd. | G1140 | For staining paraffin sections |
Collagen Type I Polyclonal antibody | proteintech | 14695-1-AP | Binds to COL-1 in tissues |
DAB Substrate kit,20x | Beijing Solarbio Science & Technology Co.,Ltd. | DA1010 | For tissue color development |
Disposable surgical sheet 50*60CM | Nanchang Xuhui Medical Equipment Co. | SP4529777 | For mouse surgery |
EDTA decalcification solution (pH 7.2) | Beijing Solarbio Science & Technology Co.,Ltd. | E1171-500ml | For tissue decalcification |
Enhanced Endogenous Peroxidase Bloching Buffer | Beyotime Biotechnology | P0100B | Sequestration of tissue or cellular endogenous peroxidases |
Environmentally friendly dewaxing clear liquid | Servicebio | G1128-1L | For dewaxing paraffin sections |
Ethyl Alcohol | CHRON CHEMICALS | 64-17-5 (CAS) | For dehydration of paraffin sections |
General Purpose Antibody Diluent | Epizyme Biotech | PS119L | For antibody dilution |
Hematoxylin Differentiation Solution | Servicebio | G1039-500ML | For differentiation after hematoxylin staining and removal of excessively bound and non-specifically adsorbed dye from tissues |
Hematoxylin Eosin (HE) Staining Kit | Beijing Solarbio Science & Technology Co.,Ltd. | G1120-3*100ml | For tissue staining |
High quality stainless steel surgical knife handle | Premier Medical Equipment Co. | SP0088 | For mouse surgery |
HRP-conjugated Affinipure Goat Anti-Rabbit IgG(H+L) | proteintech | SA00001-2 | Binds to primary antibody and amplifies signal |
IL-17A Polyclonal antibody | proteintech | 13082-1-AP | Binds to IL-17 in tissues |
IL-6 Polyclonal antibody | proteintech | 21865-1-AP | Binds to IL-6 in tissues |
Immunohistochemistry pen | Beijing Zhongshan Jinqiao Biotechnology Co. | ZLI-9305 (YA0310) | For drawing circles in immunohistochemistry |
Medical surgical suture Non-absorbent (ball) 5-0 3.5m | Yangzhou Yuanlikang Medical Equipment Co. | FHX-5-2 | For postoperative suturing |
Medical Suture Needles Angle Needles 4*10 3/8 | Chaohu Binxiong Medical Equipment Co. | FHZ612-4 | For postoperative suturing |
Neutral Balsam | Beijing Solarbio Science & Technology Co.,Ltd. | G8590 | As a slice sealer |
PBS(1X) | Shenzhen Mohong Technology Co.,Ltd | B0015 | Buffer for slide washing and partial solution dilution |
Protein Free Rapid Blocking Buffer (1X) | Epizyme Biotech | PS108P | Avoiding non-specific binding of proteins |
Rabbit Anti-Bone Alkaline Phosphatase antibody | BIOSS ANTIBODIES | bs-6292R | Binds to alkaline phosphatase in tissues |
Saline | Affiliated Hospital Youjiang Medical University For Nationalities | LHN500 | For animals by gavage |
Shaving/Electric clippers | HANGZHOU HUAYUAN PET PRODUCTS CO., LTD. | DTJ-002 | For shaving mice |
Stainless Steel Medical Needle Holder 14cm Coarse Needle | Premier Medical Equipment Co. | SP784 | For mouse surgery |
Stainless Steel Ophthalmic Forceps 10.5cm Curved (No Hook) | Zhuoyouyue | YKNWW-10.5 | For mouse surgery |
Stainless Steel Ophthalmic Scissors/Surgical Scissors 10CM Straight Tip | Premier Medical Equipment Co. | ZYJD-10-ZJ | For mouse surgery |
Stainless Steel Tip Gastric Needle 12 Gauge 55mm Elbow | GWJ-12-55W | For use in mice by gavage | |
Tris-EDTA Antigen Repair Fluid (50x) | proteintech | PR30002 | For antigen repair of paraffin sections |
Wooden dissecting board 25*16cm | JP16*24 | For mouse surgery | |
Xiaoyao pills | Jiuzhitang Co.,Ltd. | YPG-041 | For animal drug delivery |
Others | |||
R 4.3.1 | Data processing | ||
Cytoscape3.9.1 | National Resource for Network Biology | Building a regulatory network for traditional Chinese medicine | |
ImageJ 1.54f | National Institutes of Health | Image processing for immunohistochemistry results | |
Adobe Photoshop 24.0.0 | Adobe | For image combination | |
GraphpadPrism 9.5 | GraphPad Software | Statistical analysis of data | |
cellsens Dimension | OLYMPUS | For slicing and photographing | |
OLYMPUS BX53 | OLYMPUS | For HE staining and immunohistochemical section photography |
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