1 To begin, obtain 3D digital imaging2 and communications in medicine or DICOM dataset 3 and import it into the segmentation software. 4 To create a rough mask of the target anatomy, 5 go to the segment tab, select new mask tool. 6 To set the upper and lower threshold boundaries, 7 click and drag them to capture maximum 8 of the relevant target anatomy.
9 Alternatively, input the desired hounsfield unit 10 and click okay to finalize the rough mask. 11 In the segment tab, select region grow 12 to separate all voxels of the mask 13 directly connected to the desired voxel. 14 And use edit mask to add or remove voxels 15 via both the 2D and 3D windows.
16 Utilizing multiple slices edit, 17 add or remove voxels through interpolation 18 between slices farther apart, 19 and use the smart fill And then fill holes 20 to fill the holes of a defined size within the mask. 21 After verifying the accuracy 22 of the 3D models from a physician, 23 convert the obtain mask to 3D parts 24 and finally export it as stl file. 25 Import all the anatomy files through file import stl.
26 Using the move and rotate tools, 27 align the anatomy with the world's origin. 28 After aligning the patient's nose 29 with the perpendicular axis 30 containing the ear and skull top, 31 activate the orthographic views 32 from the top right corner widget of the Blender interface. 33 To acquire CR mangles in virtual reality, 34 import the protractor.
stl file. 35 Scale the protractor quite small for ease of measurement, 36 and scale the protractor just outside for aneurysms. 37 Align zero degrees on the protractor 38 with the patient's nose, 39 and orient the gap in the protractor arms 40 towards the patient's feet, 41 and export as glb.