To begin, offer functional occupational therapy to the patients and the control group. For fNIRS, open the computer interface and enter the basic information of the subject. Then choose the optode arrangement, 2x4R, 2x4L followed by the 15-30-15 task paradigm, and set the assessment time to 5.
Place the near-infrared system device on the patient according to the optode layout, and adjust the positions of the emitters and detectors. After removing the hair to facilitate close contact with the scalp, click the OK button. Next, click Standby, followed by Start Auto Adjust to calibrate all channels to display green.
Then place the glove on the affected hand of the patient. After clicking the Start button on the fNIRS computer interface, measure the initial resting phase for 15 seconds as the patient sits quietly, avoiding external thoughts. Then click the Start button of the hand device, and after 30 seconds, click the Stop button to end the exercise.
To complete the test, initiate another 15-second rest period. Finally, repeat the rest task rest test five times to complete the fNIRS. After the intervention, the fNIRS data showed a significant difference in the overall means of right hemisphere integral value for the subject in the control group and the experimental group, whereas no significant differences in the centroid values were observed between the two groups.