Jiyeon Kim Denninger is a postdoctoral researcher in the Department of Psychology at The Ohio State University in Columbus, OH, USA. She received her undergraduate BA degree in biochemistry from Harvard University where she worked on Notch signaling in hematopoetic stem cells in the labs of Dr. Nadia Carlesso and Dr. David Scadden. As a research technician, she expanded her stem cell repertoire to include germline and embryonic stem cells in Dr. Shahin Rafii’s lab at Weill Cornell Medical School before completing her MD and PhD in Biomedical Science at the University of Connecticut.
Her PhD research in Dr. Linda Shapiro’s lab focused on the role of CD13 in attenuating immune-mediated rejection of major and minor histocompatibility mismatched stem cell grafts. As a postdoctoral researcher in Dr. Elizabeth Kirby’s lab, she continues to build her stem cell experience by studying adult neural stem cells in both the injured and uninjured brain.