Using the FishSim Animation Toolchain to Investigate Fish Behavior: A Case Study on Mate-Choice Copying In Sailfin MolliesStefanie Gierszewski 1, Derek Baker 1,2, Klaus Müller 3, Jan-Marco Hütwohl 3, Klaus-Dieter Kuhnert 3, Klaudia Witte 1
1Research Group of Ecology and Behavioral Biology, Institute of Biology, University of Siegen, 2University of Calgary, 3Institute of Real-Time Learning Systems, University of Siegen
Using the novel FishSim Animation Toolchain, we present a protocol for non-invasive visual manipulation of public information in the context of mate-choice copying in sailfin mollies. FishSim Animation Toolchain provides an easy-to-use framework for the design, animation and presentation of computer-animated fish stimuli for behavioral experiments with live test fish.