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Start by adding pericytes to the underside of the well-insert.
Cover the well-insert with a culture plate and incubate.
Pericytes attach to the membrane of the well-insert, forming a single-cell layer or a monolayer.
Take another culture plate.
Add human astrocytes to the well in a suitable medium. Then, incubate the plate.
Astrocytes attach to the bottom of the well and form a monolayer.
Discard the medium and add fresh astrocyte and pericyte medium.
Now, take the culture plate containing the well-insert with the pericyte layer.
Invert the plate and transfer the well-insert to the well containing the astrocyte layer.
Add the human brain endothelial cells to the upper side of the well-insert and incubate.
The endothelial cells attach to the well insert, forming a triple cell culture system that resembles the blood-brain barrier, a crucial interface separating the bloodstream and the brain.