Use of Chironomidae (Diptera) Surface-Floating Pupal Exuviae as a Rapid Bioassessment Protocol for Water BodiesPetra Kranzfelder 1, Alyssa M. Anderson 2, Alexander T. Egan 1, Jane E. Mazack 1, R. William Bouchard, Jr. 3, Moriya M. Rufer 4, Leonard C. Ferrington, Jr. 1
1Department of Entomology, University of Minnesota, 2Biology, Chemistry & Physics, and Mathematics Department, Northern State University, 3Environmental Analysis and Outcomes Division, Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, 4RMB Environmental Laboratories, Inc.
Rapid bioassessment protocols using benthic macroinvertebrates are often used to monitor and assess water quality. An efficient protocol involves collections of Chironomidae surface-floating pupal exuviae (SFPE). Here, techniques for field collection, laboratory processing, slide mounting, and identification of Chironomidae SFPE are described.