Transcriptome Profiling of In-Vivo Produced Bovine Pre-implantation Embryos Using Two-color Microarray PlatformReza Salehi *1, Stephen C.M. Tsoi *1, Marcos G. Colazo 2, Divakar J. Ambrose 1,2, Claude Robert 3, Michael K. Dyck 1
1Department of Agricultural, Food and Nutritional Science, University of Alberta, 2Livestock Research Branch, Alberta Agriculture and Forestry, 3Laboratory of Functional Genomics of Early Embryonic Development, Université Laval
Microarray technology allows quantitative measurement and gene expression profiling of transcripts on a genome-wide basis. Therefore, this protocol provides an optimized technical procedure in a two-color custom made bovine array using Day 7 bovine embryos to demonstrate the feasibility of using low amount of total RNA.