The Use of a β-lactamase-based Conductimetric Biosensor Assay to Detect Biomolecular InteractionsMarylène Vandevenne *1, Mathieu Dondelinger *1, Sami Yunus 2, Astrid Freischels 1, Régine Freischels 1, Oscar Crasson 1, Noureddine Rhazi 1, Pierre Bogaerts 3, Moreno Galleni 1, Patrice Filée 4
1Life Science Department, University of Liège, 2Institute of Condensed Matter and Nanoscience, Catholic University of Louvain, 3Laboratory of Clinical Microbiology, Catholic University of Louvain, 4Biotechnology Department, CER Group
In this work, we report a new method to study protein-protein interactions using a conductimetric biosensor based on the hybrid β-lactamase technology. This method relies on release of protons upon hydrolysis of β-lactams.