Production of Chick Embryo Extract for the Cultivation of Murine Neural Crest Stem CellsKristian Pajtler *1, Anna Bohrer *1, Jochen Maurer 2, Hubert Schorle 2, Alexander Schramm 1, Angelika Eggert 1, Johannes Hubertus Schulte 1
1Department of Pediatric Oncology, University Children's Hospital Essen, 2Department of Developmental Pathology, Bonn Medical School, Institute of Pathology
To cultivate neural crest stem cells (NCSC) in vitro, a special medium (NCSCM) is required. Essential part of NCSCM is chick embryo extract (CEE). We here describe accurate techniques to produce a maximized amount of pure and high quality CEE, including details as the isolation, maceration, centrifugation, and filtration processes.