Recording Horizontal Saccade Performances Accurately in Neurological Patients Using Electro-oculogramYasuo Terao 1, Hideki Fukuda 2, Yusuke Sugiyama 3, Satomi Inomata-Terada 1, Shin-ichi Tokushige 4, Masashi Hamada 3, Yoshikazu Ugawa 5
1Department of Cell Physiology, Kyorin University, 2Segawa Memorial Neurological Clinic for Children, 3Department of Neurology, University of Tokyo, 4Department of Neurology, Kyorin University, 5Department of Neurology, Fukushima Medical University
The article describes a practical method for recording horizontal eye movements with high accuracy by electro-oculogram in neurological patients, using a cup Ag-AgCl electrode with a wide plastic fringe. Stable measurement requires proper selection and fixation of electrodes, taking sufficient time for light adaptation to occur, and re-calibration as needed.