Evaluation of the Interplay Between the Complement Protein C1q and Hyaluronic Acid in Promoting Cell AdhesionRomana Vidergar *1, Chiara Agostinis *2, Paola Zacchi 1, Alessandro Mangogna 1, Fleur Bossi 2, Fabrizio Zanconati 3, Marco Confalonieri 3, Giuseppe Ricci 2,3, Roberta Bulla 1
1Department of Life Sciences, University of Trieste, 2Institute for Maternal and Child Health, IRCCS (Istituto di Ricovero e Cura a Carattere Scientifico) Burlo Garofolo, 3Department of Medical, Surgical and Health Science, University of Trieste
The complement component C1q is a pro-inflammatory molecule highly expressed in the tissue microenvironment that can interact with the extracellular matrix. Here, we describe a method to test how C1q bound to hyaluronic acid impacts cell adhesion.