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Take three samples of hippocampal neuronal cultures on coverslips.
Introduce primary antibodies to label the surface-expressed glutamate receptors.
Add a conditioned medium to the second and third samples to induce endocytosis of the antibody-bound receptors.
On the third sample, add Fab fragments to block epitopes on the non-endocytosed antibodies.
Introduce an inhibitor to block receptor endocytosis while allowing receptor recycling to the surface.
In all samples, fix the cells and add a blocking solution to prevent non-specific labeling.&
Introduce fluorophore-tagged secondary antibodies to label the primary antibodies on the surface-bound receptors, including the recycled ones.
Permeabilize the cellular membranes.
Add the primary antibody again to the first sample to label the pre-existing endocytosed receptors.
Introduce a different fluorophore-tagged secondary antibody to all samples to label the endocytosed receptor-bound primary antibodies, distinguishing between endocytosed and surface-bound receptors.
Using a confocal microscope, quantify the surface-expressed, endocytosed, and recycled receptors in the different treatments.
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