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Developmental Biology

Single-Cell RNA Sequencing of Mutant Whole Mouse Embryos: From the Epiblast to the End of Gastrulation

Published: June 14th, 2024



1Department of Cardiovascular Sciences, Aging + Cardiovascular Discovery Center, Temple University, Lewis Katz School of Medicine, 2Raymond G. Perelman Center for Cellular and Molecular Therapeutics, The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, 3Department of Child and Adolescence Psychiatry, Children's Hospital of Philadelphia


Over the last decade, single-cell approaches have become the gold standard for studying gene expression dynamics, cell heterogeneity, and cell states within samples. Before single-cell advances, the feasibility of capturing the dynamic cellular landscape and rapid cell transitions during early development was limited. In this paper, a robust pipeline was designed to perform single-cell and nuclei analysis on mouse embryos from embryonic day E6.5 to E8, corresponding to the onset and completion of gastrulation. Gastrulation is a fundamental process during development that establishes the three germinal layers: mesoderm, ectoderm, and endoderm, which are essential for organogenesis. Extensive literature is available on single-cell omics applied to wild-type perigastrulating embryos. However, single-cell analysis of mutant embryos is still scarce and often limited to FACS-sorted populations. This is partially due to the technical constraints associated with the need for genotyping, timed pregnancies, the count of embryos with desired genotypes per pregnancy, and the number of cells per embryo at these stages. Here, a methodology is presented designed to overcome these limitations. This method establishes breeding and timed pregnancy guidelines to achieve a higher chance of synchronized pregnancies with desired genotypes. Optimization steps in the embryo isolation process coupled with a same-day genotyping protocol (3 h) allow for microdroplet-based single-cell to be performed on the same day, ensuring the high viability of cells and robust results. This method further includes guidelines for optimal nuclei isolations from embryos. Thus, these approaches increase the feasibility of single-cell approaches of mutant embryos at the gastrulation stage. We anticipate that this method will facilitate the analysis of how mutations shape the cellular landscape of the gastrula.

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Keywords Single cell RNA Sequencing

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