This protocol describes the construction of a low-cost, discrete, fiber-coupled, and air-spaced Fabry-Perot etalon with various applications, such as in trace-gas spectroscopy. The fabrication is possible in any facility with standard optical laboratory equipment available.
Fabry-Pérot etalons (FPE) have found their way into many applications. In fields such as spectroscopy, telecommunications, and astronomy, FPEs are used for their high sensitivity as well as their exceptional filtering capability. However, air-spaced etalons with high finesse are usually built by specialized facilities. Their production requires a clean room, special glass handling, and coating machinery, meaning commercially available FPEs are sold for a high price. In this article, a new and cost-effective method to fabricate fiber-coupled FPEs with standard photonic laboratory equipment is presented. The protocol should serve as a step-by-step guide for the construction and characterization of these FPEs. We hope this will enable researchers to conduct fast and cost-effective prototyping of FPEs for various fields of application. The FPE, as presented here, is used for spectroscopic applications. As shown in the representative results section via proof of principle measurements of water vapor in ambient air, this FPE has a finesse of 15, which is sufficient for the photothermal detection of trace concentrations of gases.
In its most basic form, an FPE consists of two plane-parallel partially reflecting mirror surfaces1. In the following explanations, when referring to mirrors, the optical substrate and the reflective coating are addressed as one. In most applications, the mirrors used feature one wedged surface2 to prevent unwanted etalon effects. Figure 1 illustrates the formation of the interference pattern of an air-spaced etalon (Figure 1A), as well as the reflectance function for different mirror reflectivities (Figure 1B).
The light enters the cavity through one mirror, undergoes multiple reflections, and leaves the cavity by reflection as well as transmission. As this article focuses on the fabrication of an FPE operated in reflectance, the further explanations refer to reflection specifically. The waves leaving the cavity interfere, depending on the phase difference, q = 4πnd/λ. Here, n is the refractive index inside the cavity, d is the mirror spacing, and λ is the wavelength of the interferometer's light source, here called the probe laser. A minimum reflectance occurs when the optical path difference matches the integer multiple of the wavelength, . The finesse of an ideal plane-parallel etalon is determined by the mirror reflectivities R1 and R2 only3:
However, a real etalon is subject to many losses, which degrade the theoretically achievable finesse4,5,6. Deviation of the mirror parallelism7, non-normal incidence of the laser beam, beam shape8, mirror surface impurities, and scattering, among others, lead to a reduction in the finesse. The characteristic interference pattern can be described by the Airy function1:
The full width at half maximum (FWHM), as well as the free spectral range (FSR) of the reflectance function, can be calculated as follows:
Figure 1: Fabry-Pérot interferometer theory. (A) A schematic depiction of the multi-beam interference for an air-spaced etalon with wedged windows. A plane wave, E0, enters the cavity under a certain angle, φ, through an anti-reflection (AR)-coated surface and subsequently undergoes multiple reflections between the highly reflecting (high R) surfaces spaced at a distance, d. With each reflection, part of the light is out-coupled of the etalon either in transmission or reflection, where it interferes with the other waves. (B) The reflectance function of an ideal Fabry-Pérot etalon for different mirror reflectivities (y-axis). Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
FPEs can be found in a wide range of applications9,10,11. In the case presented here, the FPE is used in a photothermal interferometry (PTI) setup. In PTI, small density and, hence, refractive index changes, induced by the periodic excitation followed by the fast thermalization of a target gas via a second laser, are measured interferometrically12. The amount of heat and, thus, the magnitude of the refractive index change are proportional to the gas concentration. When measuring the intensity of the reflectance function of the FPE at its steepest point (operation point), these refractive index changes shift the reflectance function, thereby altering the measured intensity. As the reflectance function can be assumed to be linear in the region around the operation point, the measured signal is then proportional to the gas concentration. The sensor's sensitivity is determined by the slope of the reflectance function and is, therefore, proportional to the finesse. PTI, in combination with FPEs, has proven to be a sensitive and selective method to detect trace amounts of gases and aerosols13,14,15,16,17,18. In the past, many sensors for pressure and acoustic measurements relied on the use of moveable parts, like membranes, substituting the second mirror of the FPE19. Deflections of the membrane lead to a change in the mirror distance and, thus, the optical path length. These instruments have the disadvantage of being prone to mechanical vibrations. In recent years, the development of optical microphones using solid FPEs has reached a commercial level20. By abstaining from the use of moveable parts, the measurand changed from distance to the refractive index inside the Fabry-Pérot cavity, thus increasing the ruggedness of the sensors significantly.
Commercially available air-spaced FPEs cost beyond what is acceptable for prototyping and testing, as well as high-volume production instrument integration. Most scientific publications constructing and using such FPEs discuss the topic of fabrication only minimally21,22. In most cases, specific equipment and machines (e.g., clean rooms, coating facilities, etc.) are necessary; for example, for fully-fiber-integrated FPEs, special micromachining equipment is necessary. To reduce the manufacturing costs and enable the testing of multiple different FPE configurations to enhance their suitability for PTI setups, a new fabrication method was developed, which is described in detail in the following protocol. By using only commercially available, standard bulk-optic and telecom fiber-optic components, the manufacturing costs could be reduced to less than €400 euros. Every facility working with standard photonic equipment should be able to reproduce our fabrication scheme and adapt it to their applications.
1. Three-dimensional printing of the measurement cell
Figure 2: Labeled CAD model rendering of the measurement cell. A sectional view is provided here for more clarity. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
2. Preparing the spacers
3. Assembly of the etalon
Figure 3: Rendering of the measurement cell and the FPE. (A) Rendering of the assembly process of the 3D-printed cell as well as the FPE with the corresponding mounting cap. (B) Rendering of the bulk-optic components in the correct order. The spacers create an air-spaced cavity between the two mirror surfaces. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
4. Assembly of the fiber-alignment platform
Figure 4: Picture of the alignment platform with the GRIN lens-coupled FPE during the UV-curing process. The components written in grey are for PTI measurements and are not necessary for the alignment process. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
5. Opto-electronic setup
Figure 5: Schematic of the optoelectronic setup for the alignment procedure. The red lines represent optical fibers, the black lines are electronic cables, and the blue beam is the probe laser. A balanced detector is used here, but this can be replaced by a conventional photodetector. Therefore, the 1 x 2 coupler can be omitted. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
6. Fiber-GRIN lens alignment
7. Fiber-etalon alignment
Figure 6: Exemplary, generic oscilloscope signal. In green, a good alignment is depicted, and in yellow, a worse one is shown. The better the alignment, the higher the peak-to-peak ratio of the triangular modulation, and the more the reflectance peak (valley) goes toward zero. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
8. Etalon characterization
As can be seen in Figure 7, an FPE with a well-defined reflectance function could be fabricated.
Figure 7: Measured reflectance function of the finished FPE. A temperature sweep, corresponding to a wavelength sweep of the laser, was performed to measure the reflectance function of the FPE. This is used to evaluate metrics like the full width at half maximum (FWHM) and the free spectral range (FSR) of the fabricated device. Relative reflectance refers to the relative proportion of light being back-reflected into the fiber after passing the FPE. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
The measured metrics of the FPE are listed in Table 1 and compared to the calculated values of an ideal etalon with the same specifications. The formulas for an ideal FPE can be found in the introduction section.
Measured | Ideal FPE | |
Finesse | 12.8 | 17.1 |
FWHM | 0.0268 nm | 0.0234 nm |
FSR | 0.3441 nm | 0.4004 nm |
Sensitivity | 14 1/nm | 21 1/nm |
Table 1: Comparison of the measured and calculated metrics of the fabricated FPE etalon.
To validate the aptitude for a designated application, the FPE is used for PTI measurements of water vapor in ambient air. Therefore, an excitation laser with a wavelength of 1,364 nm is guided into the cell perpendicularly to the probe laser. Both lasers intersect inside the FPE. The excitation laser is modulated sinusoidally with a frequency of 125 Hz. By stabilizing the probe laser on the steepest slope of the FPE, via constant current, the highest sensitivity of the sensor is achieved. For water vapor measurements, the cell is operated with open windows and exposed to ambient air with a concentration of 13,762 ppmV, as measured by a reference device (temperature = 21.4 °C, pressure = 979.9 hPa, relative humidity = 52.2%). The signal is extracted by means of a fast Fourier transform (FFT) and compared to the background signal with the excitation laser turned off, as shown in Figure 8. A signal-to-noise ratio of more than 7,000 can be obtained, corresponding to a detection limit of approximately 5 ppmV (3σ).
Figure 8: PTI measurements of water vapor in ambient air. In black, the FFT signal of a measurement with 125 Hz laser excitation is shown. In blue, the background signal without excitation is depicted. The inset shows the measured peak at 125 Hz in more detail. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Supplementary Coding File 1: Measurement_cell.SLDPRT. CAD file for the measurement cell. The cell can be adapted to the requirements of the specific application and subsequently 3D-printed. Please click here to download this File.
Supplementary Coding File 2: cap_etalon.SLDPRT. CAD file for fixing the etalon inside the measurement cell. Please click here to download this File.
Supplementary Coding File 3: cap_window.SLDPRT. CAD file for fixing the laser windows onto the measurement cell. Please click here to download this File.
As the FPE fabricated following the protocol given here is optimized for a specific application, possible adaptations and critical steps are explained in this chapter. First of all, the FPE and the measurement cell are designed for PTI measurements. Therefore, a gas inlet and outlet, as well as a channel for the excitation laser, which is perpendicular to the probe laser, are added to the cell. All the openings of the cell are either made air-tight via O-rings and/or covered via UVFS windows to allow laser propagation. If used differently, the cell, as given in Supplementary Coding File 1, can be redesigned and adapted to the specific application. The threading in step 1.4 is done post printing. The threads could also be 3D-printed, but as these tend to wear out fast, only holes with the appropriate core hole diameter are printed, and these are threaded afterward.
The choice of material for the spacers in step 2.1 is crucial. The parallelism of the spacers determines the parallelism of the etalon mirrors and, hence, influences the finesse7. A ½ inch UVFS precision window, as provided in the Table of Materials, with a parallelism of ≤5 arcsecs and a surface flatness of λ/10 over the clear aperture was used in this study. The coefficient of thermal expansion of UVFS is 0.55 x 10−6/°C. The temperature stability can be further increased by using, for example, Zerodur5 spacers, with a coefficient of thermal expansion lower than 0.1 x 10−6/°C; however, this has the disadvantage of higher costs.
The FPE is formed by one fully reflecting mirror, as well as a beamsplitter. The beamsplitter has one 70% reflecting surface, as well as an anti-reflective-coated back side. This enables the coupling of the light in and out of the etalon. Additionally, the beamsplitter's substrate features one wedged side to prevent unwanted etalon effects. The back side of the mirror is roughened for the same reasons.
In step 5.1, the optoelectronic setup for tracking the alignment process is described. All the fibers used are standard SMF-28 fibers with FC/APC connectors. Due to the designated application for PTI, a balanced photodetector was readily available in this study, but this is not necessary in general. A conventional photodetector can be used instead; in this case, using a 1 x 2 coupler is obsolete. These changes do not affect the other components of the setup, as presented in Figure 5. The triangular current modulation of the probe laser, as described in step 5.4, corresponds to a wavelength sweep. A current range sufficient to sweep over at least one reflectance peak of the FPE has to be chosen. Therefore, one FSR can serve as a rule of thumb. Calculations for the FSR of an ideal FPE can be found in the introduction section. Together with the current tuning coefficient (nm/mA) of the laser, given in the respective manual, the current range covering one FSR can be calculated. As an example, the laser used in this work had a current tuning coefficient of 0.003 nm/mA and emitted at a wavelength of 1,550 nm. The expected FSR of an ideal FPE with 3 mm mirror spacing, d, is approximately 0.4 nm. This gives a current tuning range of 133 mA.
In this work, the modulation frequency was set to 100 Hz for convenient display at the oscilloscope. As the desired current tuning range is rather large, a fixed-fiber attenuator can be used to remain within the power limits of the used detector. The attenuator can be mounted directly after the isolator.
The UV-curing adhesive used in step 6 and step 7 is transparent to laser light and has a refractive index of 1.56. The alignment process, as described in step 7.1, is dependent on the available photodetector. The balanced detector used in this setup generates a negative voltage "Signal" output. For reasons of generality, a positive voltage output is assumed for the description of step 7.10 and in Figure 6. For a well-aligned etalon, the reflectance peak will go toward zero, while the triangular function will increase its peak-to-peak ratio.
For the etalon characterization in step 8.1, numerical calculation software is used (see Table of Materials). The measured voltage for each temperature step is averaged and plotted, as shown in Figure 7. To convert the temperature steps into wavelength steps, the temperature tuning coefficient of the probe laser is used. Signal analysis libraries have integrated peak-finding algorithms, which can be used for that purpose. As the data analysis strongly depends on the data format, no code is provided here, but it can be made available by the corresponding author upon request.
A possible limitation of the fabrication technique presented here is the thermal and mechanical stability in changing environments. As the scope of this instructional paper is the low-cost prototyping of FPEs for laboratory applications, no tests concerning mechanical and temperature stability are given here. If the FPE is used for mobile applications or in changing environments, additional measures have to be taken in order to mechanically stabilize the fiber-GRIN lens system relative to the etalon.
A new method to fabricate and characterize an FPE is demonstrated here with standard optical components available in every photonic laboratory. The presented FPE has a finesse of approximately 15 and a sensitivity sufficient for detecting approximately 5 ppmV of water vapor. Besides the presented application for PTI, this FPE could be used in applications such as building optical microphones20, which are commonly applied in the field of non-destructive testing23, refractive index measurements24,25, or hygrometers26, just to name a few.
There are no conflicts of interest.
The work presented here was conducted in the framework of the FFG funded project "Green Sensing" and the NATO SPS program "Photonic Nano Particle Sensors for Detecting CBRN events". The work was also supported by TU Graz Open Access Publishing Fund.
Name | Company | Catalog Number | Comments |
Auto-Balanced Photoreceiver Nirvana | New Focus, Inc. | 2017 | Balanced Photodetector |
Benchtop laser diode/TEC controller, 1A/96 W | Thorlabs | ITC4001 | |
Butterfly laser diode mount | Thorlabs | LM14S2 | |
Clamping fork | Thorlabs | CF175 | |
compactRIO | National Instruments | For data aquisition | |
Dust remover | RS Components | 168-1644 | |
FC/APC to FC/APC Single L-Bracket Mating Sleeve | Thorlabs | ADAFCB3 | Multiple needed |
Fiber cleaning fluid | Thorlabs | RCS3 | |
Fiber optic SM circulator | AFW technologies | CIR-3-15-L-1-2 | |
Fiber optic SM coupler 1 x 2, 90/10 | AFW technologies | FOBC-1-15-10-L-1-S-2 | Only if balanced photodetector is used |
Fiber optic SM isolator | AFW technologies | ISOD-15-L-1-2 | |
Fiber optic storage reels | Thorlabs | FSR1 | Multiple needed |
Fixed fiber optic attenuator | Thorlabs | FA15T-APC | Different attenuation levels used |
GRIN/Ferrule Sleeve, 1.818 mm Internal Diameter, 10 mm Length, Borosilicate Glass | Thorlabs | 51-2800-1800 | Fiber-GRIN-lens system |
GRIN Lens, Ø1.8 mm, 0.23 Pitch, 8°, 1560 nm Design Wavelength, AR Coated: 1250 - 1650 nm | Thorlabs | GRIN2315A | Fiber-GRIN-lens system |
Handheld UV-LED lamp | RS Components | 220-6819 | Lamp for curing the adhesive |
High precision stage and base | Newport | 9062-X-M | Three nedded |
Hose conector | RS Components | M5 threaded | |
Large Goniometer, 44.5 mm Distance to Point of Rotation, ±5°, Metric | Thorlabs | GNL18/M | Two needed |
L-Bracket Mating Sleeve | Thorlabs | ADAFCB3 | |
Magnetic button clamps | Thorlabs | BM075 | Multiple needed |
Micrometer screw | Newport | 9355 | Three nedded |
MIL-A-3920 Optical Adhesive with Resiliency, 1 oz. | Thorlabs | NOA61 | UV-curing adhesive |
Mounting Base, 50 mm x 75 mm x 10 mm | Thorlabs | BA2/M | |
O-Rings | Haberkorn | Sizes given in text | |
Passive component fiber tray | Thorlabs | BFCT | Multiple needed |
Pedestal base adapter | Thorlabs | BE1 | |
Pigtailed Ferrule, Ø1.8 mm, 8°, FC/APC, AR Coated: 1310/1550 nm | Thorlabs | SMPF0115-APC | Fiber-GRIN-lens system |
Post holder | Thorlabs | PH30/M | |
Post-Mountable Ø2.5 mm Ferrule Clamp, M4 Tap | Thorlabs | FCM/M | |
Python | Python | 3.9 | Numerical data analysis software |
Right-angled-bracket | Newport | 9062-A-M | |
Self-centering lens mount | Thorlabs | SCL03 | |
Silberschnitt 3001 | Bohle | 3001 | Glas cutter set |
SM1-threaded standard cage plate | Thorlabs | CP33/M | |
UV-curing device | Formlabs | Form Cure | |
1550 nm 20 mW butterfly DFB laser diode | AeroDiode | 1550LD-5-0-0-2 | |
3D-printer | Formlabs | 3+ | |
Ø1/2" UVFS Broadband Precision Window, Uncoated, t = 3 mm | Thorlabs | WG40530 | Spacers |
Ø1/2" Broadband Dielectric Mirror, 1280 - 1600 nm | Thorlabs | BB05-E04 | Mirror |
Ø1/2" 70:30 (R:T) UVFS Plate Beamsplitter, Coating: 1.2 - 1.6 µm, t = 3 mm | Thorlabs | BST06 | Beamsplitter |
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