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The technique involving the phagocytosis of fungal conidia by macrophages is widely used for studies evaluating the modulation of the immune responses against fungi. The purpose of this manuscript is to present a method for evaluating the phagocytosis and clearance abilities of human peripheral blood mononuclear-derived macrophages stimulated with Trichoderma stromaticum conidia.


Macrophages represent a crucial line of defense and are responsible for preventing the growth and colonization of pathogens in different tissues. Conidial phagocytosis is a key process that allows for the investigation of the cytoplasmic and molecular events involved in macrophage-pathogen interactions, as well as for the determination of the time of death of internalized conidia. The technique involving the phagocytosis of fungal conidia by macrophages is widely used for studies evaluating the modulation of the immune responses against fungi. The evasion of phagocytosis and escape of phagosomes are mechanisms of fungal virulence. Here, we report the methods that can be used for the analysis of the phagocytosis, clearance, and viability of T. stromaticum conidia, a fungus which is used as a biocontrol and biofertilizer agent and is capable of inducing human infections. The protocol consists of 1) Trichoderma culture, 2) washing to obtain conidia, 3) the isolation of peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) using the polysucrose solution method and the differentiation of the PBMCs into macrophages, 4) an in vitro phagocytosis method using round glass coverslips and coloration, and 5) a clearance assay to assess the conidia viability after conidia phagocytosis. In summary, these techniques can be used to measure the fungal clearance efficiency of macrophages.


The Trichoderma genus (Order: Hypocreales, Family: Hypocreaceae) is composed of ubiquitous, saprophytic fungi that are parasites of other fungal species and are capable of producing a range of commercially useful enzymes1. These fungal species are used for the production of heterologous proteins2, the production of cellulose3, ethanol, beer, wine, and paper4, in the textile industry5, food industry6, and in agriculture as biological control agents7,8.....


Ethical considerations and human subjects
All experiments with humans described in this study were conducted according to the Declaration of Helsinki and Brazilian Federal laws and approved by the State University of Santa Cruz's Ethics Committee (project identification code: 550.382/ 2014).

Human peripheral blood was collected from healthy volunteers from Ilhéus city, Bahia, Brazil, not exposed to occupational activities related to the studied fungus. Individuals with reported health medical conditions or using medication were excluded. All subjects voluntarily agreed to participate and signed an informed co....

Reprezentatywne Wyniki

The technique involving the phagocytosis of fungal conidia by macrophages is widely used for studies evaluating the modulation of the immune responses against fungi. We used the phagocytosis of T. stromaticum conidia to assess the viability of the conidia after phagocytosis, since the evasion of phagocytosis and the escape of phagosomes are mechanisms of fungal virulence. Researchers should perform these techniques as one of the first assays when investigating a species of clinical interest.


For several fungal pathogens including Aspergillus fumigatus, Cryptococcus, Candida albicans, and others, conidial or yeast phagocytosis is a key process that allows for the investigation of the cytoplasmic and molecular events in macrophage-pathogen interactions, as well as for the determination of the time of death of the internalized conidia14,39,40. Phagocytosis is the key process in the T.......


All the authors declare no conflicts of interest.


This work was supported by the following Brazilian financing institutions: Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado da Bahia (FAPESB) with grants RED0011/2012 and RED008/2014. U.R.S., J.O.C., and M.E.S.M. acknowledge the scholarship granted by Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) and FAPESB, respectively.



NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
15 mL centrifuge tubesCorningCLS43147015 mL centrifuge tubes, polypropylene, conical bottom with lid, individually sterile
24-Well Flat Bottom Cell Culture PlateKasviK12-024Made of polystyrene with alphanumeric identification; The Cell Culture Plate is DNase, RNase and pyrogen-free and free of cytotoxic substances; Sterilized by gamma radiation;
Cell culture CO2 incubatorSanyo303082A CO2 incubator serves to create and control conditions similar to a human body, thus allowing the in vitro growth and proliferation of different cell types.
Centrifuge Microtube (eppendorf type) 1.5 mLCapp5101500Made from polypropylene, with a cap attached to the tube for opening and closing with just one hand. It has a polished interior against protein adhesion and for sample visibility, being free of DNase, RNase and Pyrogens
Circular coverslip 15 mmOlenK5-0015Circular coverslips are used for microscopy techniques in cell culture. Made of super transparent translucent glass; with thickness of 0.13 mm
Class II Type B2 (Total Exhaust) Biosafety CabinetsEsco Lifesciences group2010274Airstream Class II Type B2 Biosafety Cabinets (AB2) provide product, operator and environmental protection and are suitable for work with trace amounts of toxic chemicals and agents assigned to biological safety levels I, II or III. In a Class II Type B2 cabinet, all inflow and downflow air is exhausted after HEPA/ULPA filtration to the external environment without recirculation across the work surface.
Dextrose Potato Agar mediumMerck145Potato Dextrose Agar is used in the cultivation and enumeration of yeasts and fungi
EDTA vacuum blood collection tubeFirstLabFL5-1109LEDTA is the recommended anticoagulant for hematology routines as it is the best anticoagulant for preserving cell morphology.
EntellanMerck1.07961 Fixative agent; Entellan is a waterless mounting medium for permanent mounting for microscopy.
Fetal Bovine SerumGibcoA2720801Fetal bovine serum (FBS) is a universal growth supplement of cell and tissue culture media. FBS is a natural cocktail of most of the factors required for cell attachment, growth, and proliferation, effective for most types of human and animal (including insect) cells.
Flaticon database of images
GlycerolMerck24900988The cryoprotectant agent glycerol is used for freezing cells and spores
Histopaque-1077polysucrose solution
Image J Image analysis software
Microscopy slidesPrecision7105Slide for Microscopy 26 x 76 mm Matte Lapped Thickness 1.0 to 1.2 mm. Made of special optical glass and packaged with silk paper divider with high quality transparency free of imperfections
Mini centrifugePrismC1801The Prism Mini Centrifuge was designed to be extremely compact with an exceptionally small footprint. Includes 2 interchangeable quick-release rotors that spin up to 6000 rpm. An electronic brake provides quick deceleration and the self-opening lid allows easy access to the sample, reducing handling time.
Neubauer chamberKasviK5-0011The Neubauer Counting Chamber is used for counting cells or other suspended particles.
Panoptic fast Laborclin620529Laborclin's  panoptic fast c is a kit for quick staining in hematology
Penicillin/Streptomycin Solution - 10,000ULGC- Biotechnology BR3011001antibiotic is used in order to avoid possible contamination by manipulation external to the laminar flow.
Petri dish 90 x 15 mm SmoothCralplast18248Disposable Petri dish; Made of highly transparent polystyrene (PS); flat bottom; Smooth;Size: 90 x 15 mm.
Phosphate buffered saline (PBS)thermo fisher Scientific10010001PBS is a water-based saline solution with a simple formulation. It is isotonic and non-toxic to most cells. It includes sodium chloride and phosphate buffer and is formulated to prevent osmotic shock while maintaining the water balance of living cells.
Pipette Pasteur 3 mL SterileAccumaxAP-3-B-SSTERILE ACCUMAX PASTEUR 3 ML PIPETTE with 3 mL capacity, made of transparent low-density polyethylene (LDPE) and individually sterile
Refrigerated CentrifugeThermo ScientificTS-HM16RThe Thermo Scientific Heraeus Megafuge 16R Refrigerated Centrifuge is a refrigerated centrifuge with the user-friendly control panel makes it easy to pre-set the speed, RCF value, running time, temperature, and running profile. The Megafuge 16R can reach maximum speeds of 15,200 RPM and maximum RCF of 25,830 x g.
RPMI-1640 MediumMerckMFCD00217820HEPES Modification, with L-glutamine and 25 mM HEPES, without sodium bicarbonate, powder, suitable for cell culture
The single channel micropipettesEppendorfZ683809Single-channel micropipettes are used to accurately transfer and measure very small amounts of liquids.
Tip for MicropipettorCorning4894Capacity of 10 µL and 1,000 µL Autoclavable
Triocular inverted microscopeLABOMEDVU-7125500It allows you to observe cells inside tubes and bottles, without having to open them, thus avoiding contamination problems.


  1. Samuels, G. J. Trichoderma: A review of biology and systematics of the genus. Mycological Research. 100 (8), 923-935 (1996).
  2. Nevalainen, H., Peterson, R., Gupta, V. K., Schmoll, M., Herrera-Estrella, A., Upadhyay, R. S., Druzhinina, I., Tuohy, M. G.

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TrichodermaMacrophagesPhagocytosisImmune SystemViability AssayConidial ClearanceBiocontrol AgentPathogenicityPeripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells PBMCs

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