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Here, we present a non-intubated protocol for performing video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery with preserved autonomic breathing.


Double-lumen intubation under general anesthesia is currently the most commonly performed intubation technique for pneumonectomy, wedge resection of the lung, and lobectomy. However, there is a high incidence of pulmonary complications arising from general anesthesia with tracheal intubation. Non-intubation with the preservation of voluntary breathing is an alternative to anesthesia. Non-intubation procedures minimize the adverse effects of tracheal intubation and general anesthesia, such as intubation-related airway trauma, ventilation-induced lung injury, residual neuromuscular blockade, and post-operative nausea and vomiting. However, the steps for non-intubation procedures are not detailed in many studies. Here, we present a concise non-intubated protocol for the performance of video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery with preserved autonomic breathing. This article identifies the conditions necessary to convert from non-intubated to intubated anesthesia and also discusses the advantages and limitations of non-intubated anesthesia. In this work, this intervention was performed on 58 patients. In addition, the results of a retrospective study are presented. Compared with intubated general anesthesia, patients in the non-intubated video-assisted thoracic surgery group had lower rates of post-operative pulmonary complications, shorter operative times, less intraoperative blood loss, shorter PACU stays, a lower number of days to chest drain removal, less post-operative drainage, and shorter hospital stays.


In the past decade, non-intubated video-assisted thoracic surgery (NIVATS) anesthesia has gradually been accepted in clinical practice1,2,3. Although this novel strategy enhances the rapid recovery of patients and avoids the complications of general anesthesia (GA) and one-lung ventilation4, many surgeons regard this approach as less desirable than the traditional lung isolation technique.

Blood oxygen levels decline with age, and some patients may have decreased or borderline pulmonary function. GA may be associated with an....


The study was approved by the Ethics Committee of the Affiliated Hospital of Ningbo University School of Medicine (KY20181215) on December 10, 2018.

1. Inclusion criteria

  1. Include all patients (aged >18 years) undergoing pulmonary bullae resection, pulmonary wedge resection, or lobectomy.

2. Exclusion criteria

  1. Exclude patients based on an American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) physical status classification of >315.
  2. Exclude patients with a body mass index (BMI)16 >30 kg/m....

Reprezentatywne Wyniki

Clinical data were retrospectively collected on 58 consecutive patients undergoing non-intubated video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery from January 2016 to December 2022. The patients were given a preoperative visit by the anesthesiologist and provided with a detailed explanation of the contents of the anesthesia informed consent form prior to the anesthesia. The patients were allowed to choose one of the two groups (the NIVATS group or GA group) of anesthesia, and they signed an informed consent form.


The advantages of this protocol are as follows: (i) providing a sevoflurane inhalation anesthesia regimen to reduce the cough reflex during thoracoscopic surgery; (ii) minimizing over-sedation while providing a safe and pain-free operating environment for patients undergoing thoracic surgery; (iii) minimizing the patient's spontaneous breathing and mediastinal oscillations during the procedure, taking into account the associated technical challenges. This was achieved by providing pre-emptive intraoperative local ane.......


The authors have nothing to disclose.


This work was supported by the third batch of the Ningbo Health Youth Technical Cadre program (Dr. Binbin Zhu), and the Zhejiang Medical Association Clinical Research Fund Project (Dr. Bin Gao) (2018ZYC-A66).



NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
20-G top-winged infusion needleBD Intima II383012Puncture with a 20-G top-winged infusion needle into the dorsal vein of the non-operative side of the hand.
24-G top-winged infusion needleBD Intima II383033Thoracoscopic vagal block techniques
Anesthesia machineDragerA300Maintenance of respiratory function; Inhalation anesthesia; Monitor for electrocardiography, blood pressure, pulse oxygen saturation (SpO2), end-tidal carbon dioxide and respiratory rate
AtropineJiuquan Dadeli PharmaH62020772Control of heart rate
BISCOVIDIENB277243Monitor the level of consciousness
Disposable nerve block needleTuoren Medical Device 202303007Nerve block
Facial maskEmedicaEM01-105SProvides an effective non-invasive breathing circuit
Fentanyl.Renfu Pharma21D04021Analgesia
FlurbiprofenDaan PharmaH20183054Analgesia
Laryngeal mask Ambu Aura-i2012-2664652Airway management to preserve voluntary breathing
LevobupivacaineRundu PharmaH20050403Local Anaesthesia
LidocaineKelun PharmaF221129CLocal skin infiltration
NorepinephrineLijun PharmaH61021666Control of blood pressure
Portable color doppler ultrasoundSonoSiteM-TurboGuided nerve block
PropofolGuorui PharmaH20030114Sedation and hypnosis
RopivacaineAspen Pharma6091403219940Paravertebral nerve block
SalineKelun Pharmac221201E1Assisted subsonic localisation
Sevoflurane Shanghai Hengrui Pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd9081931Anesthesia induction and maintenance
SufentanilJiangsu Enhua Pharmaceutical Co., LtdH20203650Postoperative analgesia


  1. Sedrakyan, A., vander Meulen, J., Lewsey, J., Treasure, T. Video assisted thoracic surgery for treatment of pneumothorax and lung resections: Systematic review of randomised clinical trials. British Medical Journal. 329 (7473), 1008 (2004).
  2. Luh, S. P., Liu, H. P.

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Non intubated Video assisted Thoracoscopic SurgeryNIVATSMultimodal AnalgesiaThoracic Paravertebral BlockadeSevoflurane Inhalation AnesthesiaSpontaneous BreathingPulmonary ComplicationsGeneral AnesthesiaIntubation related Airway TraumaVentilation induced Lung InjuryPost operative Nausea And Vomiting

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