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The protocol describes the methodology of extracellular recording in the motor cortex (MC) to reveal extracellular electrophysiological properties in freely moving conscious mice, as well as the data analysis of local field potentials (LFPs) and spikes, which is useful for evaluating the network neural activity underlying behaviors of interest.


The protocol aims to uncover the properties of neuronal firing and network local field potentials (LFPs) in behaving mice carrying out specific tasks by correlating the electrophysiological signals with spontaneous and/or specific behavior. This technique represents a valuable tool in studying the neuronal network activity underlying these behaviors. The article provides a detailed and complete procedure for electrode implantation and consequent extracellular recording in free-moving conscious mice. The study includes a detailed method for implanting the microelectrode arrays, capturing the LFP and neuronal spiking signals in the motor cortex (MC) using a multichannel system, and the subsequent offline data analysis. The advantage of multichannel recording in conscious animals is that a greater number of spiking neurons and neuronal subtypes can be obtained and compared, which allows the evaluation of the relationship between a specific behavior and the associated electrophysiological signals. Notably, the multichannel extracellular recording technique and the data analysis procedure described in the present study can be applied to other brain areas when conducting experiments in behaving mice.


The local field potential (LFP), an important component of extracellular signals, reflects the synaptic activity of large populations of neurons, which form the neural code for multiple behaviors1. Spikes generated by neuronal activity are considered to contribute to the LFP and are important for neural coding2. Alterations in spikes and LFPs have been proven to mediate several brain diseases, such as Alzheimer's disease, as well as emotions such as fear, etc.3,4. It is worth noting that many studies have highlighted that spike activity significantly differs ....


All the mice were obtained commercially and maintained in a 12 h light/12 h dark cycle (light on at 08:00 A.M. local time) at a room temperature of 22-25 °C and a relative humidity of 50%-60%. The mice had access to a continuous supply of food and water. All the experiments were carried out in accordance with the Guidelines for Care and Use of Laboratory Animals of South China Normal University and approved by the Institutional Animal Ethics Committee. Male C57BL/6J mice aged 3-5 months old were used for the experiments.

1. Micro-drive system assembly

  1. Connect two computer-designed boards using two stulls an....

Reprezentatywne Wyniki

A high-pass (250 Hz) filter was applied to extract the multi-unit spikes from the raw signals (Figure 6A). Further, the recorded units from the MC of a normal mouse sorted by PCA were verified (Figure 7A-D), and the valley width and waveform duration of the units in the MC of the mouse were recorded. The results showed that both the valley width and waveform duration of the MC putative pyramidal neurons (Pyn) in mice are higher .......


Multichannel recording in free-moving mice has been deemed to be a useful technology in neuroscience studies, but it is still quite challenging for beginners to record and analyze the signals. In the present study, we provide simplified guidelines for making micro-drive systems and performing electrode implantation, as well as simplified procedures for capturing and analyzing the electrical signals via spike sorting software and software for neurophysiological data analysis.

Given tha.......


The authors have nothing to disclose.


This work was supported by grants from the National Natural Science Foundation of China (31871170, 32170950, and 31970915), the Natural Science Foundation of Guangdong Province (2021A1515010804 and 2023A1515010899), the Guangdong Natural Science Foundation for Major Cultivation Project (2018B030336001), and the Guangdong Grant: Key Technologies for Treatment of Brain Disorders(2018B030332001).



NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
2.54 mm pin headerYOUXIN Electronic Co., Ltd.1 x 5Applying for the movable micro-drive which can slide on its stulls.
Adobe Illustrator CC 2017AdobeN/ATo optimize images from GraphPad.
BlackRock MicrosystemsBlackrock NeurotechCerebusThis systems includes headsatge, DA convert, amplifier and computer.
Brass nutDongguan Gaosi Technology Co., Ltd.M0.8 brass nutThe nut fixes the position of screw.
Brass screwDongguan Gaosi Technology Co., Ltd.M0.8 x 11 mm brass screwA screw that hold the movable micro-drive.
C57BL/6JGuangdong Zhiyuan Biomedical Technology Co., LTD.N/A12 weeks of age.
Centrifuge tubeBiosharp15 mL; BS-150-MTo store mice brain with sucrose sulutions.
Conducting paintStructure Probe, Inc.7440-22-4To improve the lead-connecting quality between connector pins and Ni-wires.
Conductive copper foil tape3M1181To reduce interferenc.
ConnectorYOUXIN Electronic Co., Ltd.2 x 10PTo connect the headtage to micro-drive system.
DC Power supplyMaishengMS-305DA power device for  electrolytic lesion.
Dental cementShanghai New Century Dental Materials Co., Ltd.N/ATo fix the electrode arrays on mouse's skull after finishing the implantation.
Digital analog converterBlackrock128-ChannelA device that converts digital data into analog signals.
Epoxy resinAltecoN/ATo cover pins.
ExcelMicrosoftN/ATo summarize data after analysis.
Eye scissorsJiangXi YuYuan Medical Equipment Co.,Ltd.N/AFor surgery or cutting the Ni-chrome wire.
Fine forcepsJiangXi YuYuan Medical Equipment Co.,Ltd.N/AFor surgery.
ForcepsJiangXi YuYuan Medical Equipment Co.,Ltd.N/AFor surgery or assembling the mirco-drive system.
Freezing microtomeLeicaCM3050 S Cut the mouse’s brain into slices
Fused silica capillary tubingZhengzhou INNOSEP Scientific Co., Ltd.TSP050125To  serve as the guide tubes for Ni-chrome wires.
Glass microelectrodeSutter Instrument CompanyBF100-50-10To mark the desired locations for implantation using the filled ink.
GraphPad Prism 7GraphPad SoftwareN/ATo analyze and visualize the results.
Guide-tubePolymicro technologies1068150020To load Ni-chrome wires.
HeadstageBlackrockN/AA tool of transmitting signals.
Helium balloonYili Festive products Co., Ltd.24 inchTo offset the weight of headstage and micro-drive system.
InkSailor Pen Co.,LTD.13-2001To mark the desired locations for implantation.
Iodine tinctureGuangdong Hengjian Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.N/ATo disinfect mouse's scalp.
Lincomycin in Hydrochloride and Lidocaine  hydrochloride gelHubei kangzheng pharmaceutical co., ltd.10gA drug used to reduce inflammation.
MeloxicamVicki Biotechnology Co., Ltd.71125-38-7To reduce postoperative pain in mice.
MicromanipulatorsScientificaScientifica IVM TripleFor electrode arrays implantation.
Microscope NikonECLIPSE Ni-E Capture the images of brain sections
nanoZ impedance testerPlexonnanoZTo measure impedance or performing electrode impedance spectroscopy (EIS) for multichannel microelectrode arrays.
NeuroExplorerPlexonNeuroExplorerA tool for analyzing the electrophysiological data.
NeuroExplorer Plexon, USAN/AA software.
Ni-chrome wireCalifornia Fine Wire Co.M47249035 μm Ni-chrome wire.
Offline SorterPlexonOffline SorterA tool for sorting the recorded multi-units.
PCB boardHangzhou Jiepei Information Technology Co., Ltd.N/AComputer designed board.
PentobarbitalSigmaP3761To anesthetize mice.
Pentobarbital sodiumSigma57-33-0To anesthetize the mouse.
Peristaltic pumpLongerBT100-1FA device used for perfusion
Polyformaldehyde Sangon BiotechA500684-0500The main component of fixative solution for fixation of mouse brains 
PtCl4Tianjin Jinbolan Fine Chemical Co., Ltd.13454-96-1Preparation for gold plating liquid.
SalineGuangdong Hengjian Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.N/ATo clean the mouse's skull.
Silver wireSuzhou Xinye Electronics Co., Ltd.2 mm diameterApplying for ground and reference electrodes.
Skull drillRWD Life Science78001To drill carefully two small holes on mouse's skull.
Stainless steel screwsYOUXIN Electronic Co., Ltd.M0.8 x 2To protect the micro-drive system and link the ground and reference electrodes.
Stereotaxic apparatusRWD Life Science68513To perform the stereotaxic coordinates of bilateral motor cortex.
SucroseDamao57-50-1To dehydrate the mouse brains  after perfusion.
Super glueHenkel AG & Co.PSK5CTo fix the guide tube and Ni-chrome wire.
Temperature controllerHarvard ApparatusTCAT-2To maintain mouse's rectal temperature at 37°C
Tetracycline eye ointmentGuangdong Hengjian Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.N/ATo protect the mouse's eyes during surgery.
ThreadRapalaN/ATo link ballon and headstage.
VaselineUnilever plcN/ATo cover the gap between electrode arrays and mouse's skull.


  1. Buzsáki, G., Anastassiou, C. A., Koch, C. The origin of extracellular fields and currents--EEG, ECoG, LFP and spikes. Nature Reviews Neuroscience. 13 (6), 407-420 (2012).
  2. Singer, W.

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Multichannel Extracellular RecordingFreely Moving MiceNeuronal FiringLocal Field PotentialsMicro drive SystemMotor CortexBehavioral TaskData Analysis

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