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This protocol presents an optimized detached-leaf bioassay system for evaluating the effectiveness of entomopathogenic fungi (EPF) against the mustard aphid (Lipaphis erysimi (Kalt.)), a parthenogenetic insect. The method outlines the data collection process during Petri dish experiments, enabling researchers to consistently measure the virulence of EPF against mustard aphids and other parthenogenetic insects.


The mustard aphid (L. erysimi) is a pest that infests various cruciferous crops and transmits plant viruses. To achieve eco-friendly pest management, entomopathogenic fungi (EPF) are potential microbial control agents for controlling this pest. Therefore, virulence screening of EPF isolates under Petri dish conditions is necessary before field application. However, the mustard aphid is a parthenogenetic insect, making it difficult to record data during Petri dish experiments. A modified system for detached-leaf bioassays was developed to address this issue, using a micro-sprayer to inoculate conidia onto aphids and prevent drowning by facilitating air-drying after spore suspension. The system maintained high relative humidity throughout the observation period, and the leaf disc remained fresh for over ten days, allowing parthenogenetic reproduction of the aphids. To prevent offspring buildup, a process of daily removal using a painting brush was implemented. This protocol demonstrates a stable system for evaluating the virulence of EPF isolates against mustard aphids or other aphids, enabling the selection of potential isolates for aphid control.


The mustard aphid (L. erysimi) is a notorious pest that infests a variety of cruciferous crops, causing significant economic losses1. While several systematic insecticides have been recommended to combat aphid infestations, the frequent use of these insecticides raises concerns about pesticide resistance2,3. Therefore, in terms of eco-friendly pest management, entomopathogenic fungi (EPF) could serve as a suitable alternative control strategy. EPF is an insect pathogen with the ability to infect hosts by penetrating their cuticles, making it a potent agent for controlling aphid....


NOTE: The complete flowchart is shown in Figure 1.

1. Mustard aphid collection and maintenance

  1. Collection of mustard aphids
    1. Flip the leaves and visually check for infestation of mustard aphids on cruciferous crops in the field.
    2. Record the sampling site information (i.e., GPS) and host plant(s), and confirm the history of insecticide applications with the farmers.
    3. Use an insect aspirator or a fine painting brush (see Table of Materials) to collect about 50 mustard aphids into a 50 mL centrifuge tube from cruciferous crops in....

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The presented flowchart illustrates the stable condition of the mustard aphids from field collection to virulence screening. The maintenance of aphids from field collection ensured a stable increase in aphid colonies with an adequate food supply. The field-collected aphids were confirmed as mustard aphids through the use of molecular markers, including PCR amplicon size and LeCO1 sequencing. The virulence screening, conducted using the detached-leaf method, revealed a consistent survival rate for mustard aphids, with the.......


Crucifers, a group of vegetables, are frequently infested by multiple aphid species, including mustard aphid (L. erysimi) and cabbage aphid (Brevicoryne brassicae)26. Both species have been reported in Taiwan27, and it is possible for them to coexist at the collection site. To distinguish closely related aphid species, this study employed a molecular identification technique using a multiplex primer set21. By designing a molecular m.......


The authors declare there is no conflict of interest involved in this work.


This research was supported by 109-2313-B-005 -048 -MY3 from the Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST).



NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
10 μL Inoculating LoopNEST Scientific718201
100 bp DNA Ladder IIIGeneaidDL007
2x SuperRed PCR Master MixBiotoolsTE-SR01
50 mL centrifuge tubeBioman ScientificET5050-12
6 cm Petri dishAlpha Plus Scientific16021
6 mm insect aspiratorMegaView ScienceBA6001
70 mm filter paper NO.1Toyo Roshi Kaisha
70% ethanol
9 cm Petri dishAlpha Plus Scientific16001
AgarBioman ScientificAGR001.1Microbiology grade
AgaroseBioman ScientificPB1200
BioGreen Safe DNA Gel BufferBioman ScientificSDB001T
GenepHlow Gel/PCR KitGeneaidDFH300https://www.geneaid.com/data/files/1605861013102532959.pdf
Gene-Spin Genomic DNA Isolation KitProtech TechnologyPT-GD112-V3http://www.protech-bio.com/UserFiles/file/Gene-Spin%20Genomic%20DNA%20Kit.pdf
HemocytometerPaul Marienfeld640030
Komatsuna leaves (Brassica rapa var. perviridis)Tai Cheng Farm1-010-300410
MiniAmp Thermal CyclerThermo Fisher ScientificA37834
Mustard aphid (Lipaphis erysimi)
Painting brushTian Cheng brush company4716608400352
Parafilm MBemisPM-996
Pellet pestleBioman ScientificGT100R
Sabouraud Dextrose BrothHiMediaMH033-500G
SPSS StatisticsIBM
TAE buffer 50xBioman ScientificTAE501000
Tween 80PanReac AppliChem142050.1661


  1. Ghosh, S., Roy, A., Chatterjee, A., Sikdar, S. R. Effect of regional wind circulation and meteorological factors on long-range migration of mustard aphids over indo-gangetic plain. Scientific Reports. 9, 5626 (2019).
  2. Dhillon, M. K., Singh, N., Yadava, D. K.

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Entomopathogenic FungiMustard AphidLipaphis ErysimiDetached leaf BioassayParthenogenetic InsectEco friendly Pest ManagementMicro sprayerRelative HumidityLeaf DiscParthenogenetic Reproduction

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