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Pseudotyped viruses (PVs) are replication-defective virions that are used to study host-virus interactions under safer conditions than handling authentic viruses. Presented here is a detailed protocol that shows how SARS-CoV-2 PVs can be used to test the neutralizing ability of patients' serum after COVID-19 vaccination.


Pseudotyped viruses (PVs) are molecular tools that can be used to study host-virus interactions and to test the neutralizing ability of serum samples, in addition to their better-known use in gene therapy for the delivery of a gene of interest. PVs are replication defective because the viral genome is divided into different plasmids that are not incorporated into the PVs. This safe and versatile system allows the use of PVs in biosafety level 2 laboratories. Here, we present a general methodology to produce lentiviral PVs based on three plasmids as mentioned here: (1) the backbone plasmid carrying the reporter gene needed to monitor the infection; (2) the packaging plasmid carrying the genes for all the structural proteins needed to generate the PVs; (3) the envelope surface glycoprotein expression plasmid that determines virus tropism and mediates viral entry into the host cell. In this work, SARS-CoV-2 Spike is the envelope glycoprotein used for the production of non-replicative SARS-CoV-2 pseudotyped lentiviruses.

Briefly, packaging cells (HEK293T) were co-transfected with the three different plasmids using standard methods. After 48 h, the supernatant containing the PVs was harvested, filtered, and stored at -80 °C. The infectivity of SARS-CoV-2 PVs was tested by studying the expression of the reporter gene (luciferase) in a target cell line 48 h after infection. The higher the value for relative luminescence units (RLUs), the higher the infection/transduction rate. Furthermore, the infectious PVs were added to the serially diluted serum samples to study the neutralization process of pseudoviruses' entry into target cells, measured as the reduction in RLU intensity: lower values corresponding to high neutralizing activity.


Pseudotyped viruses (PVs) are molecular tools used in microbiology to study host-virus and pathogen-pathogen interactions1,2,3,4. PVs consist of an inner part, the viral core that protects the viral genome, and an outer part, the envelope glycoproteins on the surface of the virus that defines the tropism5. A pseudovirus is replication-incompetent in the target cell because it does not contain all the genetic information to generate new viral particles. This combination of peculiar features makes PVs a safe alternative....


The present protocol has been approved by and follows the guidelines of the Ethical Committee of the University of Verona (approval protocol number 1538). Informed written consent was obtained from the human subjects participating in the study. Whole blood samples were collected from healthcare worker (HCW) volunteers who were in the process of receiving anti-SARS-CoV-2 vaccines. These samples were collected in plastic tubes containing anticoagulants for the subsequent isolation of serum15.

All the following processes must be performed in a Class-2 biological hood, working under sterile conditions. Virus handling mus....

Reprezentatywne Wyniki

This protocol describes the production of SARS-CoV-2 PVs and a downstream application of these PVs to analyze the neutralization activity of serum/plasma of subjects receiving anti-COVID-19 vaccination17. Furthermore, this protocol can be applied to produce pseudotypes of each SARS-CoV-2 variant of concern (VOC) to test the evolution of the neutralizing response. Despite this protocol facilitating the study of humoral immune response after COVID-19 vaccination, it can be adapted to easily test the.......


Although using a wildtype virus simulates the actual infection, lentiviral PVs are a safer option to study the mechanisms associated with viral entry and infection without the strict safety requirements necessary to work with pathogenic viruses4,20,21. PVs are composed of a replication-defective viral core surrounded by the surface envelope glycoprotein of a pathogenic virus which is the objective of the study.


The authors declare to have no conflict of interest.


We acknowledge the contribution of the health-care workers volunteers. This project was supported by the Department of Excellence 2023/2027, MUR, Italy. AR and DZ were supported by PRIN2022 (EU fundings; NextGenerationEU)



NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
0.45 μm filterSARSTEDT83 1826
6-well plateSARSTEDT83 3920
96-well plateSARSTEDT8,33,924
Amicon Ultra-15 Centrifugal Filter UnitsMerck10403892
Black Opaque 96-well MicroplatePerkin Elmer60005270
Dulbecco's Modified Eagle Medium SIGMA-ALDRICHD6546 - 500ML
Dulbecco's phosphate buffered saline (PBS 1x)AUROGENEAU-L0615-500
Foetal Bovine SerumAUROGENEAU-S1810-500
Graphpad Prism version 7graphpad dotmaticsNAIn the manuscript, we replace the commercial name with 'data analysis program'
HEK293T cellsATCCCRL-3216
HEK293T/ACE2 cellsATCCCRL-3216HEK293T has been transduced to overexpress ACE2 with a lentiviral vector.
L-glutamine AUROGENEAU-X0550-100
Luminometer - Victor3Perkin ElmerHH35000500In the manuscript, we replace the commercial name with  'luminometer' 
Opti-MEMThermo Fisher Scientific11058021In the manuscript, we replace the commercial name with 'reduced serum medium' 
p8.91 packaging plasmidDi Genova et al., 2021A kind gift from Prof. Nigel Temperton (ref 16.)
pCSFLW reporter plasmidDi Genova et al., 2021A kind gift from Prof. Nigel Temperton (ref 16.)
Polyethylenimine, branched (PEI) (25 kDa)SIGMA-ALDRICH408727
RRL.sin.cPPT.SFFV/Ace2.IRES-puro.WPRE (MT126)Addgene145839This plasmid was used to generate HEK293Tcells/ACE2
SARS-CoV-2 Spike expressing plasmidAddgenepGBW-m4137382
steadylite plus Reporter Gene Assay SystemPerkin Elmer6066759In the manuscript, we replaced the commercial name with 'luciferase reading reagent'
Trypsin EDTA 1xAUROGENEAU-L0949-100


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Pseudotyped VirusesSARS CoV 2Neutralization AssayMolecular ToolHost virus InteractionsGene TherapyLentiviralPackaging CellsReporter GeneInfectivityRelative Luminescence Units

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