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We have developed a methodology for assessing whether nervous system neoplasms in genetically engineered mice accurately recapitulate the pathology of their human counterparts. Here, we apply these histologic techniques, defined pathologic criteria, and culture methodologies to neurofibromas and malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumors arising in the P0-GGFβ3 mouse model.
Patients with the autosomal dominant tumor susceptibility syndrome neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1) commonly develop plexiform neurofibromas (PNs) that subsequently transform into highly aggressive malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumors (MPNSTs). Understanding the process by which a PN transforms into an MPNST would be facilitated by the availability of genetically engineered mouse (GEM) models that accurately replicate the PN-MPNST progression seen in humans with NF1. Unfortunately, GEM models with Nf1 ablation do not fully recapitulate this process. This led us to develop P0-GGFβ3 mice, a GEM model in which overexpression of the Schwann cell mitogen neuregulin-1 (NRG1) in Schwann cells results in the development of PNs that progress to become MPNSTs with high frequency. However, to determine whether tumorigenesis and neoplastic progression in P0-GGFβ3 mice accurately model the processes seen in NF1 patients, we had to first prove that the pathology of P0-GGFβ3 peripheral nerve sheath tumors recapitulates the pathology of their human counterparts.
Here, we describe the specialized methodologies used to accurately diagnose and grade peripheral nervous system neoplasms in GEM models, using P0-GGFβ3 and P0-GGFβ3;Trp53+/- mice as an example. We describe the histologic, immunohistochemical, and histochemical methods used to diagnose PNs and MPNSTs, how to distinguish these neoplasms from other tumor types that mimic their pathology, and how to grade these neoplasms. We discuss the establishment of early-passage cultures from GEM MPNSTs, how to characterize these cultures using immunocytochemistry, and how to verify their tumorigenicity by establishing allografts. Collectively, these techniques characterize the pathology of PNs and MPNSTs that arise in GEM models and critically compare the pathology of these murine tumors to their human counterparts.
Over the last three decades, numerous laboratories have attempted to create mouse models of human cancers by introducing human cancer-associated mutations into the mouse genome or by overexpressing a gene product that is overexpressed in human cancers. The resulting genetically engineered mouse (GEM) models can be used for a variety of purposes such as establishing that the newly introduced genomic modification initiates tumorigenesis, identifying other subsequently occurring genetic or epigenetic changes that contribute to tumor progression, and defining the key signaling pathways that drive tumor initiation and progression. Unlike orthotopic xenograft models, which ....
The procedures described here were approved by the Medical University of South Carolina's IACUC and were performed by properly trained personnel in accordance with the NIH Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals and MUSC's institutional animal care guidelines.
1. Determining tumor penetrance and survival in P0-GGFβ3 mice and identifying tumors in these animals for further characterization
Figure 2 illustrates examples of grossly evident neoplasms arising in P0-GGFβ3 mice. Tumors that are easily identifiable with the naked eye may be seen as masses distending body regions as shown in Figure 2A (arrow). When determining whether the neoplasm is potentially a peripheral nerve sheath tumor, it is essential to establish that the tumor is associated with a peripheral nerve. In this instance, an MRI scan (Figure 2B
The histological and biochemical methods presented here provide a framework for diagnosing and characterizing GEM models of neurofibroma and MPNST pathogenesis. Over the years, we have found these methodologies to be quite useful for assessing the pathology of peripheral nerve sheath tumors arising in GEM models21,25,26. However, while the protocols outlined here are useful for determining how accurately tumors in the GEM models.......
The authors have no conflicts of interest to disclose.
This work was supported by grants from the National Institute of Neurological Diseases and Stroke (R01 NS048353 and R01 NS109655 to S.L.C.; R01 NS109655-03S1 to D.P.J.), the National Cancer Institute (R01 CA122804 to S.L.C.) and the Department of Defense (X81XWH-09-1-0086 and W81XWH-12-1-0164 to S.L.C.).
....Name | Company | Catalog Number | Comments |
100 mm Tissue Culture Plates | Corning Falcon | 353003 | |
3, 3'- Diaminobensidine (DAB) | Vector Laboratories | SK-400 | |
6- well plates | Corning Costar | 3516 | |
Acetic Acid | Fisher Scientific | A38-212 | |
Alexa Fluor 488 Secondary (Goat Anti-Mouse) | Invitrogen | A11029 | |
Alexa Fluor 568 Secondary (Goat Anti-Mouse) | Invitrogen | A21043 or A11004 | |
Alexa Fluor 568 Secondary (Goat Anti-Rabbit) | Invitrogen | A11036 | |
Ammonium Chloride (NH4Cl) | Fisher Scientific | A661-500 | |
BCA Protein Assay Kit | Thermo Scientific | 23225 | |
Bovine Serum Albumin | Fisher Scientific | BP1600-100 | |
Caldesmon | ABCAM | E89, ab32330 | |
CD117 | Cell Marque | 117R-18-ASR | |
CD163 | Leica | NCL-L-CD163 | |
CD31 | ABCAM | ab29364 | |
CD34 | ABCAM | ab81289 | |
CD86 | ABCAM | ab53004 | |
Cell Scraper | Sarstedt | 83.183 | |
Cell Stripper | Corning | 25-056-CI | |
Circle Coverslip | Fisher Scientific | 12-545-100 | |
Citrisolve Hybrid (d-limonene-based solvent) | Decon Laboratories | 5989-27-5 | |
Critic Acid | Fisher Scientific | A104-500 | |
Cytokeratin | ABCAM | C-11, ab7753 | |
Desmin | Agilent Dako | clone D33 (M0760) | |
Diaminobensizdine (DAB) Solution | Vector Laboratories | SK-4100 | |
DMEM | Corning | 15-013-CV | |
Eosin Y | Thermo Scientific | 7111 | |
Ethanol (200 Proof) | Decon Laboratories | 2716 | |
Fetal Calf Serum | Omega Scientific | FB-01 | |
Forksolin | Sigma-Aldrich | F6886 | |
Glycerol | Sigma-Aldrich | G6279 | |
Hank's Balanced Salt Solution (HBSS) | Corning | 21-022-CV | |
Harris Hematoxylin | Fisherbrand | 245-677 | |
Hemacytometer | Brightline-Hauser Scientific | 1490 | |
Hydrochloric Acid | Fisher Scientific | A144-212 | |
Hydrogen Peroxide | Fisher Scientific | 327-500 | |
Iba1 | Wako Chemicals | 019-19741 | |
ImmPRESS HRP (Peroxidase) Polymer Kit ,Mouse on Mouse | Vector Laboratories | MP-2400 | |
ImmPRESS HRP (Peroxidase) Polymer Kit, Horse Anti-Rabbit | Vector Laboratories | MP-7401 | |
Incubator | Thermo Scientific | Heracell 240i CO2 incubator | |
Isoflurane | Piramal | NDC 66794-017-25 | |
Isopropanol | Fisher Scientific | A415 | |
Ki-67 | Cell Signaling | 12202 | |
Laminin | Thermo Fisher Scientific | 23017015 | |
Liquid Nitrogen | |||
MART1 | ABCAM | M2-9E3, ab187369 | |
Microtome | |||
Nestin | Millipore | Human: MAD5236 (10C2), Human:MAB353 (Rat-401) | |
Neuregulin 1 beta | In house | Made by S.L.C. (also available as 396-HB-050/CF from R&D Systems) | |
Neurofibromin | Santa Cruz Biotechnology | sc-67 | |
NOD.Cg-Prkdcscid Il2rgtm1Wjl/SzJ mice | Jackson Laboratory | 5557 | |
Nonfat Dry Milk | Walmart | Great Value Brand | |
P0-GGFβ3 mice | In house | ||
Paraffin Wax | Leica | Paraplast 39601006 | |
Parafilm M | Sigma-Aldrich | PM-999 | |
Paraformaldehyde (4%) | Thermo Scientific | J19943-K2 | |
Permount (Xylene Mounting Medium) | Fisher Scientific | SP15-100 | |
pH Meter | Mettler Toldedo | Seven Excellence, 8603 | |
Phosphate Buffered Saline (Dulbecco's) | Corning | 20-031-CV | |
PMEL | ABCAM | EP4863(2), ab137078 | |
Poly-L-Lysine Hydrobromide | Sigma-Aldrich | P5899-5MG | |
Portable Isoflurance Machine | VetEquip Inhalation Anesthesia Systems | ||
PVA-DABCO (Aqueous Mounting Medium) | Millipore Sigma | 10981100ML | |
Rice Cooker | Beech Hamilton | ||
S100B | Agilent Dako | Z0311 (now GA504) | |
SMA | Ventana Medical Systems | clone 1A4 | |
Sodium Chloride | Fisher Scientific | S640 | |
Sodium Citrate (Dihydrate) | Fisher Scientific | BP327-1 | |
Sox10 | ABCAM | ab212843 | |
Steel histology mold | |||
Superfrost Plus Microscope Slides | Fisher Scientific | 12-550-15 | |
TCF4/TCFL2 | Cell Signaling | (CH48H11) #2569 | |
Tissue Cassette | |||
Toluidine Blue | ACROS Organics | 348600050 | |
Triton X-100 | Fisher Scientific | BP151-500 | |
TRIzol | Invitrogen | 15596026 | |
Trypsin | Corning | 25-051-31 |
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