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This protocol introduces a flexible wearable supernumerary robotic limb tailored to assist in finger rehabilitation for stroke patients. The design incorporates a bending sensor to facilitate seamless human-robot interaction. Validation through experiments involving both healthy volunteers and stroke patients underscores the efficacy and dependability of the proposed study.


In this study, we present a flexible wearable supernumerary robotic limb that helps chronic stroke patients with finger rehabilitation and grasping movements. The design of this innovative limb draws inspiration from bending pneumatic muscles and the unique characteristics of an elephant's trunk tip. It places a strong emphasis on crucial factors such as lightweight construction, safety, compliance, waterproofing, and achieving a high output-to-weight/pressure ratio. The proposed structure enables the robotic limb to perform both envelope and fingertip grasping. Human-robot interaction is facilitated through a flexible bending sensor, detecting the wearer's finger movements and connecting them to motion control via a threshold segmentation method. Additionally, the system is portable for versatile daily use. To validate the effectiveness of this innovation, real-world experiments involving six chronic stroke patients and three healthy volunteers were conducted. The feedback received through questionnaires indicates that the designed mechanism holds immense promise in assisting chronic stroke patients with their daily grasping activities, potentially improving their quality of life and rehabilitation outcomes.


According to previous research1, as of 2019, there were more than 100 million cases of stroke worldwide. Approximately two-thirds of these cases resulted in hemiplegic sequelae, and over 80% of severe hemiplegic stroke patients could not fully recover hand and arm function2. Furthermore, the aging population is expected to continue growing in the coming decades, leading to a significant increase in the number of potential stroke victims. The persistent upper extremity impairments following a stroke can significantly affect activities of daily living (ADLs), and hand rehabilitation has been clinicall....


This protocol has been approved by the Ethics Review Board of Union Hospital, Tongji Medical College, Huazhong University of Science and Technology. Patients with upper limb functional disorders who met the diagnostic criteria and were receiving treatment at the author's hospital's rehabilitation department outpatient and inpatient units were selected as participants. The patients' motor function recovery was assessed according to the Brunnstrom recovery stages21, and patients in stages 3-5 were chosen to participate in the experiments. Written informed consent was obtained from the patients who participated in the study. The proced....

Reprezentatywne Wyniki

Output force experiments
Figure 7 vividly depicts the structural design and dimensions of our actuator, providing a cross-sectional illustration. This actuator comprises two distinct sets of chambers, each containing five elegantly curved air chambers. Remarkably, at the actuator's terminus, we have ingeniously integrated a protruding structure, reminiscent of an elephant's trunk tip, significantly expanding the actuator's gripping radius.


This study presents an innovative, flexible, wearable supernumerary robotic limb designed to assist chronic stroke patients in finger rehabilitation and gripping tasks. This robotic system prioritizes portability and offers both envelope grasp and fingertip grasp functionalities. It incorporates a flexible bending sensor for user-friendly human-machine interaction control. Static grasping experiments validate the gripping capabilities of the designed mechanism in two distinct grasping modes. The study involves experiment.......


The authors have nothing to disclose.


This work is supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant U1913207 and by the Program for HUST Academic Frontier Youth Team. The authors would like to thank the support from these foundations.



NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
Air CompressorXinweichengF35L-JJ-24VProvide air supply for the pneumatic gripper
Arduino EmakefunMega 2560Single-chip microcomputer/data acquisition card
BackpackMujinIntegrating external devices
Flex SensorSpectra SymbolFlex Sensor 2.2Flexible bending sensors
Power supplyYisennengYSN-37019200Provide power
PU quick-plug connectorElecallPU-6Connector for PU tube
PU tubeBaishehuiZDmJKJJyAir line connection
Silicone elastomerWackerELASTOSIL M4601 A/BMaterial of the pneumatic gripper
Thermostatic chamberRuyi101-00AConstant temperature to accelerate the curing of silicone
Vacuum dryerFujiwaraPC-3Further defoaming
Vacuum mixing and degassing machineSmidaTMV-200TMix silicone thoroughly and get it defoamed
ValveSMCNTV1030-312CLControl the air pressure


  1. Feigin, V. L., et al. Global, regional, and national burden of stroke and its risk factors, 1990-2019: A systematic analysis for the global burden of disease study 2019. The Lancet Neurology. 20 (10), 795-820 (2021).
  2. Nakayma, H., Jørgensen, H. S., Raaschou, H. O., Olsen, T. S.

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Flexible Wearable Robotic LimbSupernumerary Robotic LimbChronic Stroke PatientsGrasping MovementsFinger RehabilitationBending Pneumatic MusclesLightweightSafetyComplianceWaterproofingEnvelope And Fingertip GraspingHuman robot InteractionFlexible Bending SensorThreshold SegmentationPortabilityRehabilitation Outcomes

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