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This protocol describes a methodology to transfect Naegleria gruberi trophozoites with a construct that is maintained throughout passaging trophozoites in vitro, as well as through encystment and excystment.


All ribosomal genes of Naegleria trophozoites are maintained in a closed circular extrachromosomal ribosomal DNA (rDNA) containing element (CERE). While little is known about the CERE, a complete genome sequence analysis of three Naegleria species clearly demonstrates that there are no rDNA cistrons in the nuclear genome. Furthermore, a single DNA origin of replication has been mapped in the N. gruberi CERE, supporting the hypothesis that CERE replicates independently of the nuclear genome. This CERE characteristic suggests that it may be possible to use engineered CERE to introduce foreign proteins into Naegleria trophozoites. As the first step in exploring the use of a CERE as a vector in Naegleria, we developed a protocol to transfect N. gruberi with a molecular clone of the N. gruberi CERE cloned into pGEM7zf+ (pGRUB). Following transfection, pGRUB was readily detected in N. gruberi trophozoites for at least seven passages, as well as through encystment and excystment. As a control, trophozoites were transfected with the backbone vector, pGEM7zf+, without the N. gruberi sequences (pGEM). pGEM was not detected after the first passage following transfection into N. gruberi, indicating its inability to replicate in a eukaryotic organism. These studies describe a transfection protocol for Naegleria trophozoites and demonstrate that the bacterial plasmid sequence in pGRUB does not inhibit successful transfection and replication of the transfected CERE clone. Furthermore, this transfection protocol will be critical in understanding the minimal sequence of the CERE that drives its replication in trophozoites, as well as identifying regulatory regions in the non-ribosomal sequence (NRS).


The Naegleria genus contains over 45 species, although it is unlikely that all members of the species have been identified1. Naegleria can exist in different forms: as trophozoites (amoebae), as flagellates, or, when resources are severely limited, as cysts1,2,3,4. The Naegleria genus is recognized for its one particularly dangerous species, Naegleria fowleri, known as 'the brain-eating amoeba' (reviewed in1,2,<....


The details of the species, reagents, and equipment used in this study are listed in the Table of Materials. The sequence of the 17,004 base pair pGRUB construct is provided in Supplementary File 1.

1. Culturing trophozoites

  1. Thaw frozen N. gruberi trophozoites at 37 °C for 3 min.
  2. Inoculate trophozoites into T25 flasks in modified peptone/yeast extract/nucleic acid/folic acid/hemin with 10% fetal calf serum (PYNFH) media plus 2% buffer (disodium phosphate, potassium dihydrogen phosphate).
  3. Culture the trophozoites at 25 °C until ~80% con....

Reprezentatywne Wyniki

PCR of trophozoites that have been transfected with pGRUB demonstrates that the transfected CERE is detected through at least seven passages of the trophozoites, as well as encystment and excystment (Figure 4). The primers used in the PCR anneal to both the pGEM vector and the CERE sequence, thereby ensuring that the PCR does not detect native CERE. PCR following transfection of pGEM into trophozoites indicated that pGEM was negative (Figure 4), indicating that .......


The protocol outlined herein is very straightforward, although every construct will likely require some degree of optimization, particularly of the DNA-transfection reagent ratio, depending on the nature of the construct and the species of Naegleria used. We have only tested one commercially available transfection reagent using this protocol, but it is likely that several others may be effective. Given that a full-length clone of the CERE is used, containing a functional origin of replication and thus replicatin.......


No financial conflicts of interest were declared.


These studies were partially funded by a grant from the George F. Haddix Fund of Creighton University (KMD). Figure 1 is generated in biorender.com, and Figure 3 is generated in benchling.com.



NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
AgaroseBio Rad161-3102
Ammonium AcetateSigma AldrichA-7330
Calcium ChlorideSigma AldrichC-4901
Crushed ice
Culture Flasks, T-75Thermo Scientific130190
Culture Plate, 6-wellCorning3506
DNAseSigma AldrichD-4527
EDTA, 0.5 MAffymetrix15694
Electropheresis Gel ApparatusAmersham Biosciences80-6052-45
Eppendorf Tubes, 1.5 mLFisher Scientific05-408-129
Eppendorf Tubes, 2 mLFisher Scientific05-408-138
Ethanol, 100%Decon Laboratories2716
Ethidium BromideSigma AldrichE-8751
Fetal Bovine SerumGibco26140
Folic AcidSigma AldrichF7876-25G
GeneRuler 1 kb Plus LadderThermo ScientificSM1331
Glacial Acetic AcidFisher ScientificUN2789
GoTaq Green PCR Master MixPromegaM7122
Heating BlockThermo Scientific88871001
HemacytometerHausser Scientific1483
HeminSigma Aldrich51280
Iron ChlorideSigma Aldrich372870-256
Magneisum ChlorideFisher ScientificM33-500
MicrofugeThermo ScientificMySpin 12
N. gruberiATCC30224
Nucleic AcidChem Impex Int’l#01625
Potassium PhosphateSigma AldrichP0662-500G
PowerPac HC Electropharesis Power Supply UnitBio Rad1645052
Sodium ChlorideMCB ReagentsSX0420
Sodium Phosphate, dibasicSigma AldrichS2554
Tabletop Centrifugeeppendorf5415R
Tris, baseSigma AldrichT1503-1KG
Trypan Blue, 0.4%Gibco15250-061
ViaFect ReagentPromegaE4981
Weigh ScaleDenver InstrumentsAPX-60
Yeast ExtractGibco212750


  1. De Jonckheere, J. F. What do we know by now about the genus Naegleria. Exp Parasitol. 145 (Suppl), S2-S9 (2014).
  2. De Jonckheere, J. F. A century of research on the Amoeboflagellate genus Naegleria. Acta Proto....

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Naegleria GruberiRDNAExtrachromosomal Ribosomal DNACERETransfectionPGRUBPGEM7zfTrophozoitesEncystmentExcystmentReplicationNRS

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