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We have established a split-luciferase reassembly assay to monitor the endoplasmic reticulum-mitochondria contacts in live cells. Using this assay, we describe a protocol to quantitatively measure the level of these inter-organelle couplings in HEK293T cells, under the condition of chemical treatment.


Endoplasmic reticulum (ER)-mitochondria contact sites play a critical role in cell health and homeostasis, such as the regulation of Ca2+ and lipid homeostasis, mitochondrial dynamics, autophagosome and mitophagosome biogenesis, and apoptosis. Failure to maintain normal ER-mitochondrial coupling is implicated in many neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, and hereditary spastic paraplegia. It is of considerable significance to explore how the dysregulation of ER-mitochondrial contacts could lead to cell death and whether repairing these contacts to the normal level could ameliorate neurodegenerative conditions. Thus, improved assays that measure the level of these contacts could help to illuminate the pathogenic mechanisms of these diseases. Ultimately, establishing simple and reliable assays will facilitate the development of new therapeutic strategies. Here we describe a split-luciferase assay to quantitatively measure the level of ER-mitochondria contacts in live cells. This assay can be used to study the pathophysiological role of these contacts as well as to identify their modulators in high-throughput screening.


The interactions between the ER and the mitochondria are vital for cellular homeostasis and survival1,2,3,4. Previous evidence indicates that any type of disruption or dysregulation in ER-mitochondria contact sites can contribute to several neurodegenerative, metabolic, and cardiovascular diseases, as well as cancer5,6,7,8,9,10. For example, an a....


1. Cell maintenance and seeding (Day 1)

  1. Maintain HEK293T cells in cell culture media containing Dulbecco's Modified Eagle Medium (DMEM) with 10% fetal bovine serum (FBS) (in 100 mm culture dishes) in a humidified incubator at 37 °C with 5% CO2.
  2. Before starting, check the confluency of the plate by viewing under the microscope. When the cells reach approximately 80-90% confluency, prepare to seed the cells in a 6-well culture plate by removing the media and washing with 10 mL of Dulbecco's phosphate-buffered saline (DPBS).
  3. Remove the DPBS from the culture dish and treat the cells with 1 mL of 0.05....

Reprezentatywne Wyniki

We have used the protocol described above to measure the level of ER-mitochondria contacts upon the addition of three compounds known to inhibit specific GTPases. CDC42, RHO, and RAC are GTPases that promote actin polymerization28 when activated and are inhibited by ZCL278, Rhosin, and Ehop-016, respectively24. HEK293T cells transfected with split-Rluc were treated with DMSO (control), ZCL278 (50 µM), Rhosin (50 µM), or Ehop-016 (25 µM) and.......


We have used a split-Renilla luciferase 8 reassembly assay (split-Rluc assay) to quantify the level of ER-mitochondria couplings. In this study, we have modified the original split-Rluc construct24 by generating a single vector, pCAG-MitoRlucN-T2A-RlucCER-IRES-mCherry, encoding each split-Rluc component (MitoRlucN and RlucCER) and a self-cleaving peptide 2A sequence from Thosea a.......


The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


The authors are thankful to Dr. Jeffrey Golden (Cedars-Sinai Medical Center) for the critical review of the manuscript. This work was funded in part by the National Institute of Neurological Disease and Stroke (NINDS, R01NS113516).



NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
1.7 mL SafeSeal Microcentrifuge TubeSorenson16070
6-well plate TC TreatedUSA ScientificCC7682-7506
10 mL Pipette Tips OneTipUSA Scientific1110-3700
10 μL pipette tips OneTipUSA Scientific1110-3700
20-200 μL Beveled tips OneTipUSA Scientific1111-1210
50 mL Polypropylene Conical TubeFalcon352070
96-Well Flipper Microtube RacksThermoFisher Scientific8770-11
96-well plate TC Treated USA ScientificCC7682-7596
100 mm x 20 mm TC Treated DishUSA ScientificCC7682-3394
1250 μL Tips OneTipUSA Scientific1112-1720
Centrifuge 5910 Ri - Refrigerated CentrifugeEppendorf5943000131
Dimethyl sulfoxide, anhydrous, ≥99.9%Sigma-Aldrich276855-100ML
DMEM, high glucoseThermoFisher Scientific11965092
DPBS, no calcium, no magnesiumThermoFisher Scientific14190144
EHop 016Bio-Techne Tocris6248Dissolve in DMSO; store at -70 °C
EnduRen Live Cell SubstratePromegaE6481Store aliquots at -70 °C
Eppendorf 2-20 μL pipetteEppendorf3123000039
Eppendorf Research plus 100-1000 μL pipetteEppendorf3123000063
Eppendorf Research Plus 1-10 µL pipetteEppendorf3123000020
Eppendorf Research plus 12-channelEppendorf3125000028
Eppendorf Research plus 200 μL pipetteEppendorf 3123000055
Fetal Bovine Serum, qualified, USDA-approved regionsThermoFisher Scientific10437028
Forma Steri-Cycle CO2 Incubator, 184 L, Polished Stainless SteelThermoFisher Scientific381
Hand tally counterSigma-AldrichHS6594
HEK 293T CellsATCCCRL-3216
Hemacytometer - Neubauer Bright Line, Double-Counting ChamberLW ScientificCTL-HEMM-GLDR
Invitrogen TE BufferThermoFisher Scientific8019005
MicroscopeZeissAxiovert 25 CFL
Mini centrifugeBenchmark ScientificC1012
Multi Tube Rack For 50ml Conical, 15ml Conical, And Microcentrifuge TubesBoekel Scientific120008
PEI MAX - Transfection Grade Linear Polyethylenimine Hydrochloride (MW 40,000)Polysciences24765-100MG
Pipet-Aid XPUSA Scientific4440-0101
Poly-D-lysine hydrobromideSigma-AldrichP6407-5MG
Rhosin hydrochlorideBio-Techne Tocris5003Dissolve in DMSO; store at -70 °C
Trypsin-EDTA (0.05%), phenol redThermoFisher Scientific25300054
Varioskan LUX multimode microplate readerThermoFisher ScientificVL0000D0
VortexThermoFisher Scientific2215365level 8
VWR Vacuum Aspiration SystemVWR75870-734
ZCL 278Bio-Techne Tocris4794Dissolve in DMSO; store at -70 °C


  1. Aoyama-Ishiwatari, S., Hirabayashi, Y. Endoplasmic reticulum-mitochondria contact sites-emerging intracellular signaling hubs. Front Cell Dev Biol. 9, 653828 (2021).
  2. Sassano, M. L., Felipe-Abrio, B., Agostinis, P.

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Split Luciferase Reassembly AssayEndoplasmic ReticulumMitochondria ContactsCell HealthHomeostasisCa2 RegulationLipid HomeostasisMitochondrial DynamicsAutophagosome BiogenesisMitophagosome BiogenesisApoptosisNeurodegenerative DiseasesAlzheimer s DiseaseParkinson s DiseaseAmyotrophic Lateral SclerosisHereditary Spastic ParaplegiaTherapeutic StrategiesHigh throughput Screening

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