To begin the imaging of transfected HeLa cells select a sufficiently long exposure time for the individual fluorescence channels in live view mode based on the intensity histograms generated by the imaging software. Set the appropriate number of planes for imaging on the Z axis. Select the appropriate number of fields of view to display per well.
To start the quantitative analysis of acquired images, perform background correction for all the images from all the fluorescence channels. Depending on the size of the analyzed objects, select the appropriate filter size. Next, start the image segmenting by creating a mask of the main object based on the ratio of the intensity of the fluorescent signal to the background for the channel corresponding to the cell nuclei.
Create masks for the sub objects representing BrdU and mitochondrial DNA spots using the fluorescence channels appropriate for the given structures. Set the parameters and measure the intensity of the individual pixels within each mask for all the fluorescence channels. To obtain the total fluorescence intensities for the BrdU or mitochondrial DNA channel sum up the intensities of all the sub objects assigned to a given cell nucleus.
To obtain the mean fluorescence intensity, divide the total fluorescence intensity by the sum of the area of the sub objects assigned to a given cell nucleus. The imaging results were verified by measuring the mitochondrial DNA and gene expression levels using quantitative real-time PCR. Treatment with dideoxycytidine or DDC resulted in a very strong decrease in the mitochondrial DNA levels.
A weaker effect was observed in TFAM and TWINKLE helicase silencing, while the transfection of cells with mitochondrial DNA polymerase gamma or POLG siRNA had a modest effect on the mitochondrial DNA copy number. Quantifying the TFAM and TWINKLE helicase expression confirmed an efficient reduction in their mRNA expression to approximately 15 to 20%of the control levels. In POLG, the mRNA expression was reduced only to 30%which explains the unexpected modest effect on the mitochondrial DNA copy number.