Connect the sample tube to a rubber tube and seal it with a valve. Then, flame the seal head of the sample tube under a vacuum. Set up the ESR spectrometer.
Then, insert the prepared sample tube into the microwave cavity and center the sample. Then, to register the ESR of the sample, choose the optimal parameters such as microwave power, magnetic field sweep time, center field sweep width, modulation frequency and width, and channel amplitude and time constant. Then, sweep the magnetic field and record the ESR spectrum.
Adjust the manganese marker insertion amount to 800 and capture the ESR spectrum with the manganese marker as previously demonstrated. Calibrate the magnetic field using six hyperfine lines for manganese divalent ions. The copper THQ MOF exhibited a broad ESR line.
When copper THQ was reduced to 1.5 volts, the copper ion signal disappeared and the radical signal remained, indicating that the ions were reduced to copper. Quantitative ESR measurement confirmed that the copper THQ MOF had 96%copper ions in the paramagnetic state. ESR line width of copper ion narrowed with decreasing temperature, while chemical shift remained constant, indicating significant anti-ferromagnetic interaction.
A significant temperature-independent paramagnetic term was observed in ESR spin susceptibility compared to squid magnetic susceptibility.