Begin by logging onto the patient Data Management System, using the programmer. Next, select the correct Patient, Programming, and Change Detection. Based on the selected personalized biomarker, select the correct channel for detecting the activity.
For activity detection, select Rhythmic Activity, which connotes a band pass detector. Click More Controls in Advanced Settings. Select the desired minimum and maximum frequency.
Ensure to turn on the band pass and turn off the line length in Area Settings. Additionally, set the inversion logic to Not Inverted. Program the detector by setting the minimum amplitude to 0.8%and the minimum duration to 0.64 seconds.
After selecting all the detector settings, click the Done button to close all programming windows. Place the wand over the patient's implantable neurostimulator, and select Review All Changes in Program RNS. The biomarker discovery of symptoms was performed based on the neurospectral power between the low depression and the high depression states.
It was found that the best choice for a frequency-specific biomarker in this example is 13 to 30 hertz of OFC, three to four.