To begin, place a conductance catheter in normal saline, then connect it to an MPVS module, comprising the PowerLab 8/35 and a pressure volume unit. Electronically calibrate the pressure and volume by recording the predetermined pressure and volume parameters on the MPVS module. For the murine heart failure model, anesthetize the animal, and ensure that the surgical site is adequately shaved and disinfected.
Expose the trachea and insert an endotracheal tube into it. Locate the internal jugular vein beneath the sternocleidomastoid muscle. Then insert a central venous catheter consisting of PE10 Silastic connected to a 30 gauge needle into the jugular vein.
Administer a bolus infusion of five to six microliters per gram of body weight of 10%Albumin in sodium chloride for about three minutes. Follow this with a constant infusion rate of five to 10 microliters per minute.