Begin by pipetting one drop of ready-to-use blocking solution with donkey serum onto the tissue samples. Then incubate the samples for 30 minutes at room temperature. Remove the excess blocking solution from the slides by tapping the edge against a hard surface.
Dilute the primary antibodies in the antibody dilution buffer to prepare 100 microliters of the final solution for each sample. Set up the antibodies, one tube for each primary antibody and one for each isocontrol antibody. Evenly spread 100 microliters of isocontrol antibodies to one sample, and 100 microliters of myeloperoxidase and citrullinated histone H3, or myeloperoxidase and neutrophil elastase antibody dilution to the other sample.
Place the slides in a wet chamber and store them overnight at four degrees Celsius. The following day, tap off excess primary antibody solution from the slides and stack them in a cuvette. Rinse the slides three times for five minutes each using Tris buffered saline with tween To remove the remaining primary antibody solution.
Prepare two distinctly fluorescent secondary antibodies, donkey anti-goat for myeloperoxidase and donkey anti-rabbit for citrullinated histone H3 staining. Dilute each antibody to 7.5 micrograms per milliliter concentration in the antibody dilution buffer. Place the slides in a wet chamber and dispense 100 microliters of the secondary antibody solution onto each sample.
Incubate them for 30 minutes at room temperature protected from light. Remove excess secondary antibody solution by tapping the slides. Put the slides in a slide rack.
Submerge the slides three times for five minutes each in a staining jar filled with PBS to wash off unbound antibodies. Prepare the dappy solution and dilute it to a concentration of one microgram per milliliter with deionized water. Submerge the slide rack in a staining jar containing the dappy solution and incubate for five minutes at room temperature in the dark.
Next, submerge the slide rack in a staining jar with PBS for five minutes to wash off any excess dappy solution. Finally, mount the samples using cover slips and mounting medium. The citrullinated histone H3 antibody only bound to the extracellular histones and showed no staining of intracellular histones.
The human or mouse specific myeloperoxidase antibody showed no specific staining. While the universal human and mouse antibodies showed consistent good staining for myeloperoxidase. When no blocking agent was used, some mouse samples showed more non-specific and partial positive staining.
When blocked, the five minutes blocking time showed good results compared to the 10 minutes blocking time. The higher temperatures in the microwave and water bath showed consistently moderate to good antigen retrieval. Whereas in a 60 degrees Celsius water bath there was only partially positive to no staining.
For double staining, more favorable results were obtained for the samples incubated at 96 degrees Celsius water bath. However, exceeding the incubation time of 40 minutes at 96 degrees Celsius resulted in less intense antibody staining.