Begin by analyzing transfected HEK293T cells using an inverted fluorescence microscope. Once the cells are focused using bright-field light, switch to fluorescent mCherry excitation wavelength of 587 nanometers and emission wavelengths of 610 nanometers. After turning off the bright-field light, check for the fluorescence of the cells to confirm the expression of ZnT1 mCherry.
To prepare dye-loading solution, take four microliters of zinc-specific fluorescent dye solution. Then add four microliters of 10%pluronic acid. Mix the solution by pipetting up and down, and transfer it to a 1.5-milliliter tube.
Add 750 microliters of washing solution into the prepared solution and vortex the tube vigorously. Again, add 750 microliters of wash solution. Once vortexed, add 750 microliters of this solution into two wells of a new six-well culture plate and cover it with aluminum foil.
Using tweezers, transfer a 13-millimeter cover slip from the previously cultured HEK293T cell plate into a six-well plate. After covering the plate with foil, gently shake it for 15 to 20 minutes and replace the dye-loading solution with the prepared washing solution. Once the plate is covered, shake it again for 20 minutes.