Begin by placing the antibody labeled drosophila larval carcasses in 0.2%PBST on a glass slide. Adjusted under the stereo microscope, ensuring that the inner surface of the larval carcass is facing up. Absorb the excess PBST solution using a wipe.
Then delicately add a drop of Anti-Fade mounting medium. Next place a cover slip on the slide covering the dissected larvae slowly and gently, avoiding bubble formation. Secure the cover slip in place by applying fingernail polish around its edges.
Store the slide in a dark location to minimize fluorescent attenuation. For image acquisition, use the laser scanning confocal microscope with the 63x Oil immersion objective. Then adjust the wavelength and laser power to fit the requirements of the experiment best.
To identify the neuromuscular junctions and capture images of muscle four in segment A three, select a 488 nanometer laser to activate alpha tubulin or Futsch, and 546 nanometers to activate the HRP imaging track. Modify the parameters to achieve a frame size of 1, 024 by 1, 024 pixels, a digital zoom of 1.0, and an imaging interval of 0.8 micrometers. To visualize microtubules in the muscle, capture images of muscle two in the segments A three to A five as it has fewer tracheal branches.
Choose a 488 nanometer laser for activating alpha tubulin and a 633 nanometer laser for activating the T3605 imaging track. Adjust the imaging parameters to a frame size of 1, 024 by 1, 024 pixels, a digital zoom of 2.0, and an imaging interval of 0.4 micrometers. Both pre-and post-synaptic microtubule organizations of the neuromuscular junction were labeled with anti-alpha tubulin.
Futsch staining reflected the abundance of stable microtubules in the pre-synaptic neurons. Decreased signal intensity of anti-Futsch was observed when microtubules severing protein Katanin 60 was overexpressed in the presynaptic neurons. The staining intensity of the axon trunk was stronger than that of the branches.
Katanin 60 mutations resulted in increased microtubule loops. Overexpression of Katanin 60 caused short microtubule fragments within the terminal buttons. Alpha tubulin staining demonstrated a clear network of microtubules around the nucleus.
Muscle cells had a significantly increased perinuclear microtubular intensity and exhibited stronger bundles in the Katanin 60 mutant. Overexpression resulted in fragmentation of the microtubule fibers.