After dissecting the spinal cord and separating the lumbar enlargement, place the lumbar enlargement on a 35 degree slope with the dorsal side up and the caudal side down. Absorb any excess water on the tissue surface using an absorbent filter paper. Carefully pour the molten agarose gel into the Petri dish containing the lumbar enlargement.
Position the Petri dish in the ice water mixture to ensure rapid gel cooling. Shape the gel into a cube of 15 by 10 by 10 millimeters, and mount it onto the specimen disc using super glue. Adjust the vibratome settings to a thickness of 350 micrometers, a speed of 0.14 to 0.16 millimeters per second, an amplitude of one millimeter, and a vibration frequency of 85 hertz.
Now, use the cover slide tweezers to clip a slice and place it into the incubation chamber, filled with continuously oxygenated artificial cerebrospinal fluid.