To begin, turn on the Laser Microdissection system and software. Place slide A containing stained three-micron sections of oral submucous fibrosis tissues on the slide stage. Observe the histological morphology to identify the area of interest for laser microdissection.
Remove slide A and place slide B with the tissue side facing down on the slide stage. Next, click the Unload button to push out the collection device. Insert a PCR tube into the collection device and ensure the tube is fixed.
Then click the Okay button. Select a cap by clicking the corresponding red circle, marking the collector device to tube caps, and wait until the selected circle turns green. Then click the Draw button and Draw plus Cut button and use the mouse to sketch the area of interest.
Click on Start Cut to capture the area of interest, which will be collected by the cap. Then press the lower button to ensure the captured sample is collected. Click the specimen button to capture the next sample.
Finally, click Unload to unload the PCR tube with the captured sample. In this study, using laser microdissection of oral submucous fibrosis, tissues of epithelium and stroma with different patterns are captured. Copy number alternations were present in epithelial samples but not in stroma samples.
The copy number alternations pattern in the dysplastic epithelium was observed in chromosomes three and eight, while copy number alternations were detected at a lower frequency in chromosome eight in the atrophic epithelium.