To begin, open the integrated genomic viewer software. In the results menu, click Sample Results. Then click on the name of the sample of interest from the sample name column to view sequencing results.
To review molecular coverage analysis plugin results, in the top right, click Download Files. Next in the run summary, click the Run Report Tab to view assay metrics and Run Report. To view the SNV and INDEL result, click the Variance tab, then click SNVs and INDELs.
Click Edit Filters and select No Filter. Next, click the Variance tab, then Fusions to view fusion results in RNA exon variants. In the top right, click Visualization and RNA exon variant.
Then review the RNA exon variance plot. Click the Variance tab, then select Fusions to view RNA exon tile fusion imbalance. In the top right, click Visualization, then RNA Exon Tile Fusion Imbalance and review the RNA Exon Tile Fusion Imbalance plots.
In the Variance tab, click CNVs to display CNV results. Finally, generate a variant report by clicking the link to download the PDF. This study represents the molecular analysis performed in 259 patients with NS-NSCLC including various biopsy types and surgical specimens.
The driver mutant genes and gene fusions were also observed in DNA-RNA analysis. The sensitivity of the method for detecting single nucleotide variance insertions and deletions, copy number variance and fusions was high ranging from 91.67%to 100%