To begin, fix the anesthetized rabbit in a supine position. Then, pull and fix the left hind limb in the fully extended position. Using medical tape as the first layer, cover the skin from the groin to the ankle joint.
For the second layer, wrap 36 millimeter-wide double-sided foam tape over the medical tape. Then, wrap a polymer bandage from the groin to the ankle joint. Ensure the knee joint is 180 degrees straight, and the ankle joint is dorsiflexed by 60 degrees.
For the third layer, immobilize the joints with small splints at the front and back of the knee and ankle joints. Then, wrap steel mesh around the outermost layer to protect against bites. Ensure to keep toes exposed, to observe blood circulation.
To determine points of acupotomy treatment, palpate and mark pathological indurations of knee joints with a sterile skin marker. Then, disinfect the knee joint three times with alternating rounds of iodophor and 75%ethanol. Now align an acuoptomy blade parallel to the travel direction of the tendon and the longitudinal axis of the limb.
Using the left thumb, press down on the skin at the marker point, then shift laterally to facilitate the separation of blood vessels and nerves on the thumb's ventral side. With the acupotomy handle in the right hand, apply a quick gentle pressure, causing the acupotomy blade to penetrate the skin. Slowly advance the blade to muscle induration, making longitudinal cuts and swinging laterally.
After acupotomy, disinfect the knee joint using iodophor and apply a bandaid.