After acupotomy intervention, embed the cartilage subchondral bone complex tissues in paraffin. Then, slice the tissue wax blocks and place them on the slides. Deparaffinize the slides with successive environmental dewaxing solutions for 15 minutes each.
Then, dip the slides successively in xylene and anhydrous ethanol for two to five minutes each, followed by dehydration in decreasing ethanol concentrations. Stain the slide with fast green solution for one minute. After rinsing the excess fast green solution with ultrapure water, rinse slide quickly with 1%acetic acid solution several times for color separation.
Again, rinse the slide with water as demonstrated before staining with safranin O solution for 10 to 15 minutes. Soak the slide in increasing ethanol concentrations for three to five seconds each, then, place the slide in successive xylene solution for 10 minutes each. Add a neutral resonance medium on the front of the slide, avoiding the tissue.
Place the edge of the cover glass on the slide and slowly lower it to cover the neutral balsam. Wipe off the extra xylene and neutral balsam. After overnight drying, observe the slide under the microscope for cartilage histology scoring.
In the control group, the cartilage surface was smooth and exhibited organized chondrocyte arrangement in all layers. In contrast, the cartilage surface was rough in the KOA group and the chondrocyte arrangement was disordered. Acupotomy improved the smoothness of the cartilage surface and preserved normal chondrocyte structure.
The cartilage integrity score was significantly increased in the KOA group compared to the control and acupotomy group.