To begin, establish the UC-CRC mouse model and administer the prepared LJZD and 5-ASA solution to the respective groups. After the drug treatment, monitor the weight of mice daily from the beginning of adaptive feeding until the end of drug treatment. Diligently observe and document the fecal consistency of each experimental mouse, categorizing it as normal, loose stools or watery diarrhea.
Carefully document any fecal bleeding observed in the experimental animals, categorizing it into no bleeding, minimal bleeding, or visible blood in the stool. To separate the colorectal tissue, maintain the euthanized mice within a cryogenic anatomical environment. Secure the mice in a supine position.
Using scissors, trim the lower abdominal hair and sterilize the area with ethanol. Using eyelid forceps, gently grasp the intersection point between the two thigh roots and the abdominal midline. Then use scissors to create a one to 1.5 centimeters long transverse incision.
Perform a longitudinal incision along the median line of the abdomen, starting from the midpoint of the transverse incision to the xiphoid process. Carefully detach the peri-colorectal tissues in the direction towards the anus, separating the colorectum rom the surrounding tissue. Gently push aside the abdominal skin to fully expose the colorectum.
Using eyelid forceps, extract the colorectum from the abdominal cavity and section it from the anus to the cecum. Preserve the collected colorectal tissues in saline at four degrees Celsius. The UC-CRC model group had a significant weight loss compared to the control group which was alleviated by LJZD treatment.
LJZD treatment improved the disease activity index compared with the UC-CRC model group.