To begin, use specific primers 515f and 806r to amplify the V4 hypervariable region of the 16S rNA gene. Perform PCR using the given conditions. Next, add 3.5 microliters of sequencing buffer and 1.5 microliters of enzyme mix to the tube.
After mixing and spinning the sample, set up a thermocycler reaction. Now, add the adapter ligation mixture into the tube and incubate at 20 degrees Celsius for 15 minutes in a thermocycler. Add 1.5 microliters of uracil specific extension reagent enzyme to the ligation mix, and incubate at 37 degrees Celsius for 15 minutes.
Now, add 43.5 microliters of magnetic beads to the adapter ligation DNA and mix 20 times. After five minutes, place the tube in a magnetic rack for five to 10 minutes for bead separation and discard the supernatant. Wash the pellet with 100 microliters of 80%ethanol and dry the beads for 30 seconds.
To elute the beads in pellet, add 8.5 microliters of 10 millimolar Tris HCl into the tube and incubate for two minutes. Place the tube in a magnetic rack and remove 7.5 microliters of eluded DNA as supernatant into a new tube. Add PCR reagents to the adapter ligated DNA containing tube to set up a 25 microliter reaction.
To clean amplified DNA, add 22.5 microliters of magnetic beads into the tube and mix 20 times. After five minutes, remove 50 microliters of supernatant and wash the beads with 100 microliters of 80%ethanol. Resuspend he dark brown beads in 16 microliters of water and mix 20 times.
Place the tube in the magnetic rack for 30 to 60 seconds and transfer 15 microliters to a new tube. Mix 90 microliters of buffer, one microliter of dye, and two microliters of DNA library sample and read the DNA concentration on a fluorimeter. After diluting the DNA to two nanomolar, load 27 to 30 microliters of the flow cell and place it in the sequencer.
Save the FASTQ files obtained from the sequencer. Click to open a spreadsheet file and create a mapping or metadata file. Open the Nephele website, upload the FASTQ files, and read QC End QIIME2, Perform Filtering and Trimming.
Next, using DADA2, execute demultiplexed paired-end reads, filter substitution, chimera errors, and merging. Use the Naive Bayes classifier trained on the Silva version 132 99%operational taxonomic unit, or OTU database, to perform bacterial taxonomic assignment at 97%similarity. Open the MicrobiomeDB website.
Click to upload the files, and generate OTU alpha diversity, beta diversity, relative abundance, and rarefaction curves. Finally, open a spreadsheet and transfer data to make heat maps, Venn diagrams, and linear discriminant analysis effect size. A heat map based on the relative abundance of bacteria at different stages of winemaking displayed the dominance of phyla such as Proteobacteria, Actinobacteriota, Firmicutes, Bacteroidota, and Fusobacteriota.
At the genus level, important genera like Enterobacteriaceae and Lactobacillaceae were identified. A Venn diagram analysis revealed 15 shared unique OTUs from the grape must to the final wine. The results of the amplicon sequencing based on the V4 variable region also indicated the alpha diversity in the two traminette R and L.Beta diversity analysis showed a shift in bacteria during fermentation, but the bacterial composition in the final wine was similar to that in the must and yeast added stages.