To begin, set up the three-legged camera tripod on the flat workstation. Carefully place the 3D scanning camera into the tripod and angle the camera down toward the workstation at a 60 degree angle. Connect the two-part power cord to an external power source and the back of the camera.
Place the scanner turntable one foot in front of the 3D camera and tripod setup. Using the micro USB cable, connect the turntable to the camera. Then, connect the camera to the laptop computer with a USB cable.
Next, obtain the resected oncologic specimen from the surgical team. Rinse the specimen with water to remove any blood or excess clots from resection and gently pad it dry. Place the specimen on a flat, clean surface.
Using a smartphone camera or digital camera, obtain high-quality 2D images of the anterior surface of the specimen. Flip the specimen over exactly 180 degrees and take a second photograph of the posterior surface.