To begin, set up the 3D scanner for scanning the solid tumor. Place a thin sheet of plastic on the 3D scanner turntable to protect the target points from human tissue. Position the prepared resected oncologic specimen onto the plastic sheet with the anterior surface facing up.
Now, open the 3D scanner software application on the laptop's desktop. Click on the 3D scanner icon on the right side of the screen and select the New Work button. Using an easy-to-understand naming convention, create a new folder.
To initiate the texture scanning process, select Texture Scan from the menu and leave the Open global markers file section blank. Now, navigate to the left side of the screen and select HDR off. Select the on option for With Turntable.
Set Align mode to Turntable Coded Targets, Turntable Steps to eight, Turntable Speed to 10, and Turntable Turns to one turn. Adjust the brightness slider bar to increase exposure on the specimen's darker surfaces. Now click the triangle play button labeled Start Scan on the right hand toolbar, or press the space bar to start the first round of scanning.
Once initiated, wait for the platform to complete all eight rotations. Then rotate the scanned image to inspect for any data captured outside the designated green dots on the screen or for any clear artifacts. If the scan is satisfactory, click on the check mark located on the right side of the edit screen to proceed to the next phase of the scan.
In case any artifact is detected, hold down the shift key and use the cursor to encircle the artifact outside the intended scan area. Watch for a red circle to manifest around the unwanted artifact. Then click on the Delete data button marked by a garbage can icon located on the right hand toolbar.
To initiate the manual alignment, press the Align button, represented by a puzzle piece icon on the right hand toolbar. Click and drag one set of scan data into each alignment frame. Place group one in the fixed box and group two in the floated box.
Use the right-click function to orient the two halves of the scan, with one side displaying the specimen's exterior and the other showcasing its interior. Align the two halves so their silhouettes match when superimposed. Use the middle scroll button on the mouse to zoom in and out on the specimen.
Identify three distinct landmarks on each set of scan data visible in both sets, serving as alignment points. To select corresponding alignment points, press shift and left-click on the first of three chosen points in each group of data. After selecting two corresponding points, observe a red dot appearing at the selected positions.
Check the alignment result in the larger pane beneath the two halves. If the scan is well-aligned, move forward to optimization. To redo the selection of alignment points, press the control key plus Z to undo previous selections, or click on the X box in the top right corner of each pane.
Upon completion, export the model in both 3mf and obj file formats. Save the files in the folder created at the start of the scanning process.