To begin, turn on the switch of the vacuum pump. Open the argon cylinder main valve and the pressure divider valve, and adjust the pressure to about 0.3 megapascals. To set up the MS method, enter the runtime in minutes to 93.00 and enter values to configure acquisition time, polarity, mass range, transfer value number, transfer value duration, and more.
Set up scan event details according to the values displayed on the screen. To set data dependent settings, use separate polarity settings as disabled. Set neutral loss within top to three, and product mass list within top to three.
Save to configure the settings as the instrument method. Click the sequence setup button to open the sequence table. Enter the sample type, file name, path, sample id, instrument method, location, injection amount, and other information in the form.
Save the information to record the sequence listing. Then click the start analysis button to set up and start MS acquisition.