After anesthesia, fix the rat in a prone position on a table. Shave the fur of the right hip joint area, and disinfect the area with iodine. Make a skin incision of approximately 0.5 to one centimeter along the walking direction of the sciatic nerve.
And separate the muscle layer bluntly to expose the sciatic nerve trunk. For the tuina group rat, loosely tie an absorbable chrome intestinal suture around the sciatic nerve without interrupting the blood circulation of extraneural vessels. On the computer operation interface, set the instrument to a stimulation force of four Newtons, a frequency of 60 times per minute, and a temperature of 36 degrees Celsius.
Place the rat in the fixator, and expose the hind limb acupoints. On the computer screen, click on the point pressing, plucking, and kneading in the sequence on the